
Reba believes a woman has the right to do whatever she wants with her body, but agrees that your hair is “unprofessional.”

This, times a million

I get all that. You’re missing my point. Twitter is a bandwagon and a lot of times it works out like in this case. But most times people will hop on and not even know the full facts.

In the grand scheme of child-eating cannibals, this guy wasn’t so bad, he only ate four, and one of them he didn’t even finish ! There’s plenty of child-eating cannibals that have eaten five, or more !

It’s so weird that US white supremacists still evoke Germany as their ally.

There are swastikas that face many sides, many sides.

Fake news, Carbonara is made with guanciale.

Careful what you wish for. World peace isn’t possible under any circumstances. Ever. That’s not the cynic in me.

I wonder if Rastervision, a reactionary troll who responded to this remark and who I won’t lift out of the greys with a reply, realizes that when he says:

Gorka, Bannon, Arpaio, Sessions. Hypothetically, if I were to wish ill on each and every one of these guys, would that make me a bad person?

Maybe you just know a lot of shitty people.

Gallingly, the 85-year-old Arpaio also said there “is discrimination against senior citizens, big time... I’m proud to be my age.

I swear to god I think most of this bullshit is just Trump trying to get back at Obama for making fun of him at a fancy party. Writing that sentence makes me so unbelievably angry and sad.

I’ve been screaming that our only hope to save us for Trump is to register as many people of color to vote as possible RIGHT NOW. Not in 2020. NOW. Get your IDs and your voter registration cards and everything you need NOW.

Is that McCauly Culkin ?

What’s the worst that could happen!?!?

The dingo really ate her baby

I’m not talking about them scrambling out of the hole in the ice, but rigging the dead dragon to pull it out, that’s a little more involved and in point of fact seems a little bit too complex for what are essentially fast zombies. In any case, such an operation would take hours in the best of circumstances. I also

Well, here’s my theory;