
So I repeat my question, do you think that Jared Kushner cannot be criticized without it being anti Semitic ? That seems to me to be the point that you are making. The context in which the poster you responded to mentioned Kushner being Jewish was that Kushner seems to have no problem with his father in law’s warm

Anti Jewish hatred is anti Jewish hatred. Obviously, Ivanka and Jared are opportunists, but the fact that both are also Jewish is a separate issue from the rise of the alt right and anti Jewish bigotry in general.

To hell with you. I stopped reading at the uneducated Trump fan base comment

I mean, when you’re right you’re right, but I have been considering going to see the fight at a bar or something, just to see the look on the douchebro’s faces when their great white hope takes a worse loss to Mayweather than he did to that heavy bag that outboxed him

So you saw a post about Jew-hatred, and thought, “let me accuse a Jew of doing the wrong thing, based on the assumption that he loves money!”

Is he so concerned with making more money that he’d rather sit in the White House cutting back room deals than taking a stand against his idiot father in law?

The thing about this is, what do they even need an ice bridge for ? The most recent episode shows that the wights have no need to breathe and can operate underwater, and we know that wights don’t just crumble to dust on the southern side of the wall, because of the one that attacked Mormont in the Night Watch castle,

Problem being that those that didn’t already know who he is or what he’s done, absolutely won’t care, because it doesn’t affect them. They’ll shoo it off as fake news.

I could never get an answer from anyone in regards to what has Donald Trump ever done for anyone other than himself,

“Two white women accused me of sexual harassment and no one beat me, shot me, and threw me in a river. So just look at how far we’ve come.”

I still have the hots for her. I know I have issues and need help.

Someone should start a kickstarter to put kleenex in his commissary

When reached for comment, a spokesman from the N.C.O.W.P.W.D.H.A.R.B.I.T.B (National Coalition Of White People Who Don’t Have A Racist Bone In Their Body) said;

Uhhhh ! That’s good kinja !

The girl did not sustain any injuries during the altercation, according to the report, though her lawyer indicated she did. The officer had a bruise or abrasion afterward,” the report states.

This is going to be his new tactic I fear. Give deliberately contradictory messages within a small window so that he can claim both sides of the coin.

I’m not sure why Notaro thinks an EP would be in the writers’ room on any series.

I should know better than to respond to a greyed commenter who’s most likely just a childish troll, but I just can’t help setting the record straight here. As a matter of fact I didn’t think Trump’s campaign was a joke, since he’d been threatening to run for years. I never believed until about August of last year that

Man, what an amazing coincidence that out of the three times police have planted evidence, they all happened in Baltimore, in the span of a few months ! I mean what are the odds ? I’m sure the fact that they all got caught immediately the first time they did it will have a strong deterrent effect in the incredibly

I think peepaw is just confused about what year it is again.