
Depends on the state and whether they're undergrad or grad.

Depends on the state and their status (undergrad or grad). After one year, international and domestic graduate students are usually granted in-state tuition status, as many universities don’t want to pay an out-of-state stipend. (Grads, especially PhD candidates, normally receive RA, TA, or fellowship packages.)

Good for her.

Yeah, just, no.

Because not all men are like that?

Bye, anti-Semite.

Really? It’s “Judaism,” not “Judism.”

Yep, especially against dumbass anti-Semites and anti-vaxxers.

Yep, that’s why he/she/ze said “Jews.”

But he was being sarcastic !

Yes. Do you understand what imbécile means?

I don’t think you understand that I give precisely zero fucks.

No shit. The first outbreaks were thanks to liberal assholes who thought MMR vaccines cause autism. Never mind that a good portion of the Gen X and Y in the states that these idiots invaded (Rocky Mountains and Washington State) received MMR TWICE and did not have an epidemic of autism.

How was I encouraging trolls? Believe me — I’ve had it with the anti-Jewish and especially anti-Native American sentiment that is Jezebel. Fuck them; if they want to open their mouths, then so be it. I’ve a right to challenge.

Anti-Semitic garbage is still garbage.

Actually, I’d still think that some of them are idiots, just like 90% of Californians.

As opposed to whom? All of fucking California and Colorado? I believe they have a large number of yuppie atheists who believe that vaccines are “poison.”

I called you lazy because you complain about how unfair academia/academics are and yet you’ve organized nothing yourself. Some of your fellow academics (parents included) have busted their asses by literally getting off their asses.

Touché. I really am in the wrong forum, aren’t I?

Ah, so this is your admission that you don’t have a fucking clue what I am talking about. So why don’t you go crawling back to Farrakhan’s lair under the MacArthur Bridge?