
It’s Springtime for Hitler and Germany....

Do you fuck kites ? LOL

You’re nothing but a zagime.

Then explain the Falashim, dumbass.


I don’t consider myself a woman of color as part-Native (I’m Franco-Métis on one side, i.e., French/Ojibwe, Jewish on the other) because we’re essentially ALL colors. Some of us are physically darker, even indistinguishable from some Blacks, some look Latino or Asian, but others look European. My mother is quite

Again, it’s always the eye-rolling shit about “people of color,” yet the same narrative never mentions Native people. They are in Hollywood, too.

Yeah, most entertainers have no special skills other than being incredibly spoiled and stupid. Cf. Gwyneth Paltrow.

Never mind the fact that you, like everyone else here, completely ignore Native women and talk about privilege in the same sentence. Like they’re not in Hollywood, let alone California.

Can we please, for the love of humanity, cut your dick off?

Your comment about gender privilege is pointless and has no relation to our discussion other than to reinforce my point: You don’t know anyone’s situation other than your own.

Again, male privilege on your part: using your own idiotic logic, you have no say whatsoever because you don’t have a uterus. Now, please, find a suitable Dude-Bro board.

seems like you have the problem. You can troll all day. All I said is that if you don’t bring kids you either a) don’t want to bring the kids and have the means to do so (no comments about yuppie moms. Just a fact of whether you have means or not), or you did want to bring your kids but you were pressured into not

To your other point, if parents left their kids home then that’s great for them. They either were pressured to do it because of the environment of the conference, or they have the means and the inclination which is great.

Yes, you did. You didn’t bother to consider the men involved or the fact that, perhaps, some of the women there didn’t want to be bothered with a child then or ever.

(1) Now this makes sense: you’re a newbie whining about the “unfairness” of the system without having actually experienced it. Ever tried taking loans or stipends without the extra income of a spouse? Ever tried doing it while taking care of sick parents? Yeah, you don’t get to lecture me. Not at all. Your committee

I am an academic. I understand how it works, and think that it’s deplorable that conferences are a necessary event for graduate students and typically cost them through the nose. I know this from personal experience.

(1) No, the “child-care provider” was not excluded; Angela was asked to take the child out of the main conference room because other people were speaking. If you’ve ever had or cared for a baby, you’d know they are unpredictable; according to the author, her child “peeped twice.” Parents can be notoriously dense when