What’s it like being 12?
What’s it like being 12?
Get back to your spreadsheet.
C'mon now, you can't mention something that awesome and not provide a link!
So, if I'm reading this correctly, you filed a BBB complaint over a $3.29 drive-thru misunderstanding? And the store offered you store credit for the value of the coupon and you refused? What exactly were you after, then?
Easy there, Satan.
Why don't they just get to the point and go with 399.99i, 499.99i and so forth?
I'm gonna need more information about the Big Wheel Rally.
You mean the gorilla on Bald Hill Rd?
Piano Avion Malheureusement?
This is an oddly dickish response to the story.
Not a single vehicle that came out during his tenure was launched properly, designed properly, or built properly. Not one. When he blew up the divisional model, he created incredible internal chaos within the company. The W/GM-10 project suffered the most and cost the company over $7B, launched 2 years late with poor…
Crack Pipe.
That is the strangest accent I have ever come across. Is that South African or Dutch or something else entirely?
Do we still do #COTD around here?
$2.75?!? What, do you think I'm MADE of money? It's 1960. That could buy me a week's worth of groceries, a carton of Chesterfields, a newspaper and a 1/5 of Johnny Walker.
I'll take the tap water, sir.
I use this in my I35 and it flushes perfectly with the dash when it's plugged in- too perfectly. I feel like I'm going to rip my fingernails off when I have to remove it.
It's also very finicky with making contact with the metal connector bits inside the socket. Not sure if that's my DC outlet or the charger to blame…
Obviously, California had much more lax system of regulations and zoning laws in 1955.