What’s your evidence of Schreier bias? I only recently started following him and Jason seems like a upstanding game journalist
What’s your evidence of Schreier bias? I only recently started following him and Jason seems like a upstanding game journalist
Are you trying to defend Houston’s handling of the QB position? Because they did a terrible job of starting Savage over Watson, for whom HOU deserves credit for trading up and drafting.
The Patriots coach wrote Donald Trump a letter that said this:
What’s fun about ARMS? I tried the demo and got the sense that I would get bored of it within 2 hours.
Splatoon 2 has been a surprisingly enjoyable game!
I hope they do something huge with Pokemon instead of a safe retread, which would still sell very well.
As others have said, it’s clear GSW still a great team that isn’t focused enough to avoid a billion turnovers.
Even if McNair had chosen a less offensive metaphor to express his point, it’s still fucked up: The players are BUSINESS PARTNERS, not children or inmates or any other subjugated form of person who does not have autonomy over their own actions.
I think some companies would have sent some stuff. My friend’s wife writes a product review blog, and they get free shit all the time (clothing, blenders, watches, air dehumidifier, etc)
I think some companies would have sent some stuff. My friend’s wife writes a product review blog, and they get free…
they buy shoes too!
he’s super tough. It’s incredibly he’s only gotten injured recently, given the pounding he’s taken thanks to that shit O-Line for the last 5 seasons
No, we have the NFL because of an organic series of history-specific evolutions to the game that an innovative college student wanted to make to Rugby/soccer.
Can you elaborate? Does the contract count preseason games?
I know it’s the standard response, but let’s give them 1 year to see if Simmons/Fultz actually look good, and if Embiid is not injured.
r/nba has a lot of sixers fans certain they will make the playoffs. who knows.
MCW is decidedly mediocre, unless you want to offer another reason why he’s been on 4 teams in 4 years.
like having cameras in the stands because it allows us to see cool plays in different perspectives, as well as increase the likelihood of filming fights in the stands, and possibly identify criminals/terrorists if an attack happens.
there is on such thing as infinite universes, so rest easy. there’s only 1 donald trump, and he’s horrifying
it’s telling that a spokesperson had to apologize on behalf of Newton, instead of Newton doing it himself. Shows you everything you need to know.
not to be mean, but Ramona Shelburne is an example of a (toned down) Brian Windhorst; neither of them were hired because of their looks, but because of their (high level) journalism