Jackie MacMullan had a great point the other day:
Jackie MacMullan had a great point the other day:
Lacob bought the team AFTER Steph Curry was drafted, which only gives more credence to the idea that Joe shouldn’t be taking so much credit
Athletes are probably the “fairest” millionaires: 100% of their income come from willing participants and companies using fair money (unlike medicine/pharma which people need for life, or defense contracts that are often questionable).
It makes life unnecessarily tough for that sports reporter, and propogating this “LOL women trying to talk sports!” also hurts every woman working/trying to work in the sports industry going forward.
Sigh, as a black athlete who has to constantly face stereotypes of whether black men are “smart” enough to play QB, you think he’d be sympathetic to women being condescended to.
No! Not Alex Morgan!
Part of me is enjoying the shadenfreude situation of the NFLPA, who actively decided to screw over the rookie pay scale in the latest CBA because incoming rookies were not yet members of the NFL. By doing so they actually ended up digging their own graves: by paying rookies almost nothing, they made veterans salary…
“Dear God, please clean up this completely predictable, evitable mess I created. Also I refuse to do any of the actual work doing so”
It might suck for your daughter to only have 1 set of grandparents (or 0?), but who needs angry, racist people in their lives?
“I can’t tell if McDonough was always bad and I never noticed, or if the NFL did this to him.”
“There, I said it!”
6+ Trump advisors are using private email accounts to conduct official business.
that was the year they were a 54-28 win team
Why should anyone listen to you, if you demonstrate a proud ignorance?
sadly on point
Can you name a single thing Kelly has been responsible for that deserves ire?
Given his 1989 ad blasting the acquittal of the Central Park 5, I don’t think his issues with black people is a recent, age-onset problem.
Or we can make all states give the electoral college votes proportionally to the popular split, with the rounding error going to the victor.
Did you even read the article?
unless it’s a serve, right? then its considered a non-fault and you get another shot, like a foul ball on 2 strikes?