The shit that Diana got from Rodolfo Lopez....
The shit that Diana got from Rodolfo Lopez....
Most places have a nice sandwich shop, which is why I never understood Subways in metropolitan areas. I guess people are afraid of change, or want consistency?
Ah, you’re correct. I was conflating her upbringing with her mother’s. Apparently it is too late to edit posts now.
I don’t know if you’re being sarcastic, but the insurance industry has very very strong lobbyists on both parties. To everyone’s detriment, obviously
He’s also a very big reason the Civil Rights act got passed.
It’s a strange mixture of competence/incompetence to say “boy, we’re really bad at predicting how awesome our products will be”
LBJ has a very complicated figure on race. Grew up in racist Southern States, had very racist views. But ended up passing a ton of Civil Rights legislation, pissing off the South.
Case in point: Hillary Rodham grew up poor, worked her way up despite constant institutional and personal sexism. Destroyed as elitist.
Obligatory Lyndon B Johnson via Bill Moyers quote:
It seems that following a major sport now necessitates a secondary familiarity with another subject:
As a 49er fans that always admired Smith off the field, it is good to see him doing well-ish in KC.
Dom does great work, along with Diana Moskoviwz, at this otherwise dick-joke of a website
Fuck Paul Ryan. He’s had ample opportunities to jettison Trump and he’s waffled every time.
Surprised to see Diana so bloodthirsty... really humanizing
Eh, wasn’t boxing the No. 1 sport in the USA back in the 60's and 70's? I wasn’t alive then, so maybe I’m wrong, but it appears to have had a historic allure that doesn’t exist today.
I never understood this smug condescension about people filling their gas tanks in anticipation of a storm/hurricane/blizzard.
Why are you so aggressive? Drew is clearly saying he enjoys fall?
I’d argue that the Democrats are ok legistlators and shitty campaigners. They very well could have rammed Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court the way GOP did with Gorsuch. Also, if 0 GOP are going to vote for ACA, why water it down?
if you click the user history, it’s not her