
I don’t think it was him directly, but his staff tweeted photos of flooded church as proof. Then it turned out to be their underground level of a parking garage, not the church proper


If we learned only one thing about Jesus Christ, it’s that one to should strive to do help the sick and poor only after the municipality actuaries have underestimated their forecasts and formally request for assistance.

fits well with the militaristic theme of the NFL: don’t question the commander, just do it.

Quality “Bill Simmons in Vegas” parody to start

FWIW, my friend from Louisana was telling me that after Katrina, insurance companies fought tooth and nail against payouts. He said the most common trick was telling people:

but doesn’t her (presumed-clean) victory over the #2 seed prove that she is good enough to be in the tournament? Or is your proposal more about punishing rather than proving tennis form after a layoff?

Yup, the biggest city to vote for trump was.... Mesa, AZ and Coastal Beach, VA, tied for 38th biggest city in the US! (Jacksonville at 13 was close, apparently on a technicality it voted Clinton).

This fetishization of helping animals over human beings is really sick to me.

Houston voted for Hillary Clinton, you piece of shit. And Harvey affected everyone of all influences and backgrounds.


I agree that he’s probably a slimeball. I just refuse to call him out on it.

I wonder who he’s talking to? He’s clearly talking back a forth with at least another person in the background about his screen.

It’s clear that you have not even the slightest drop of East Asian history. Japan invaded South Korea and occupied it as a colony in the early to mid 1900's, with a ton of torture, rape, execution.

I’m afraid your calls for people to be more well-informed will fall upon many deaf ears. Hopefully not, but I’m not optimistic.

Doesn’t quite capture the racism though.

Please take some of your own advice, my precious little snowflake.

You should realize that “people complaining about how sensitive other people” are some of the most sensitive people ever.

Both A) your admittance of doing so, and B) your self-righteous sense of pride about it are 0% surprising.

What if at a Pulp Fiction promotional event, John Travolta said “and we have a nigger Samuel L Jackson here. I hope his slavemaster doesn’t come whip us all!”