
sucks to hear. Zelda and Splatoon 2 were 60 USD (75 CAD) each for me, and I only regret buying a Switch because I enjoy it too much and play more often than is healthy.

Cavs are better. Slight downgrade at PG, massive upgrade at Wing, plus a desperately needed draft pick, with a real chance at being top 1.

The only time I’ve seen her in the past 5 years was at my own wedding

eh, what’s he supposed to do? stay single forever?

I’ve never spelled diarrhea correctly without looking it up. Ever.

Now playing

Magic Johnson pretty much admitted that he tampered with Paul George on Jimmy Kimmel’s show, April 2017, with his winking.


Before he was made Head Coach, the 49ers always had a very solid D-Line despite losing guys to free agency. Most notably, both Aubrayo Franklin and Isaac Sopoaga (ond Ricky Jean Francois, to a lesser degree) got large-ish contracts after suceeding on the 49ers and then all 3 disappointed on their new teams while the

I was gonna say, you can rent a bulldozer for $600 an hour as a regular shmuck, so construction crews must be able to charge about that to raze that to the ground

Why does it cost over a quarter million dollars to remove a statue?

How was it irresponsible? Consumers have the right to know what they are buying and feeding themselves and their children.

It’s because the industry is obfuscating what their product is, whether deliberate or passively allowing the myth to continue. They were selling the idea of their beef being the “regular meat” in the store, when in fact it wasn’t.

You’re an engineer that needs to go back to middle school and learn reading comprehension.

Why? Human tastes and preferences change over the years.

America has a problem of “flag worship” and conflating the flag with the military. It’s not common in the rest of the world.

You are the living embodiment of the “white moderate” stumbling block in MLK’s famous Birmingham Prison letter.

dunking is hard if Mutombo is guarding the rim