the original question stated batting practice, not MLB pitcher.
the original question stated batting practice, not MLB pitcher.
You can’t really “train” to dunk; either you’re tall enough, or you’re not.
Not to mention, because Trump was calling the integrity of the election into question, it was extra important that the popular vote margin be large too, in case Hillary won the electoral college but lost popular vote (which happened, just in reverse).
But the real danger is that people like Pareene give ideological comfort and justification for “not voting” or “voting 3rd party”, thus influence WAY WAY more than his 1 vote.
totally looks like Splatoon. I can see why everyone says the game’s city is inspired by Shinjuku
I like playing in bed in spurts.
Seems highly unlikely that they would REMOVE the key defining feature of their device, which is the portability of it. To the point that, as you mentioned, they named the device after it.
Can you verify this with any proof? As far as I can tell, the price has been $299 at every retail store, and the jacked up prices go to scalpers, for whom Nintendo has absolutely no financial incentive.
but you’ll miss the splatfests! I managed to walk into Best Buy on a 10am Saturday after they restocked on Friday. There were about 6 left. The employee said there was a line on Friday.
I refuse to believe this, unless you are opening/closing apps every 5 seconds
Does your tattoo say Flying or Fighting Hellfish? Hopefully it was just a typo on Kinja but the real tattoo says the right one...
It’s because “shitting on things that others enjoy” gives these sad people some sense of satisfaction and feelings of self worth.
I think it’s pretty cool that the regular balance of life gets shut down for a few seconds. Makes you appreciate how the universe is more than just Earth, and maybe instill some humility and appreciation for science. And realizing that the every day routine of “sun goes up, sun goes down” is quite complicated may…
I could see a scenario where it’s revealed that the Vikings used steroids or something and get their wins vacated
The Peyton Manning point was to highlight the difference in how the media/fans treat a white QB and a black QB.
“exact same” implies that the magnitudes are equal.
lol to the passed out person on the left, and the DGAF guy in the background
and remind me which Party was single-mindedly focused on abolishing the current policy that grants millions of Americans health insurance?
This is a load of Bullshit. Please stop advancing this stupid, dangerous narrative. The 2 poorest demographics [Incomes: “Under $30k” per year and “30-50k” a year] voted for Hillary Clinton