
you are defeating your own argument. “if you can draft a Tucker-eqsue player early on, that’s good”

Here’s the thing: “clutch” situations (close games in playoff situations) aren’t even possible if your team’s QB/Offense/Defense is trash.

time and time again you’ve failed to grasp the point.

he’s moving them to a veteran memorial. that’s lionizing them, imo

If the statues of Confed Generals remain up, they should be next to statues of slaves in chains, slave owners whipping slaves, etc.

Summary: Don’t fear bacteria.

Without wading too deep into the actual investigation I think Elliot is a piece of shit and all his protectors are terrible people.

I hadn’t picked up on the “creepy undertones” of the Splatoon world, but now that you mention it, it is a little suspicious that there are no adults, and that the news station does seem very propaganda-ish. Even the big screens revealing the new stages feels like a Big Brother “OCEANA IS THE ENEMY”

I suppose it’s similar to Americans with nonwhite ethnicities getting asked the “so... where are you from?”

What’s his incentive? Hasn’t Randolph made enough as an NBA player? ~10M a year for a while now

and yet you came to read the NBA article, despite it being garbage, and then continued to comment about it.

playing a back-to-back is much worse for your body than with a game in between, both from a “wear and tear” perspective bc lack of rest/restoration, and from a “getting injured” perspective bc of bad form and weaker bodies

my guess is that the formation wasn’t set correctly: ie, the TE should be on the right side but he’s on the left, or RB is in the pistol instead of backfield, etc.

I maintain that the concept of a “team doctor” presents an immediate conflict of interest, one that sacrifices a player’s long term health for the short-term benefit of the team, who can toss aside the player (on a non-guaranteed contract, no less) as soon as he becomes replaceable


There’s really no defensible basketball reason why Kyrie wants to leave:

FWIW (not much), I had no problem understanding what he meant the 1st time

That’s probably one of the most beneficial, but hidden, aspects of coaching

I don’t know what you’ve been reading, but my news has usually been pretty respectful of the Warriors: every piece highlights how great Steve Kerr is as a person, how functional and cooperative their team/front office are, and how their stars get along.

or maybe just rich. very rich.