
Damn, I got owned.

Do you watch super-hero movies? Because we know the heros will prevail before the movie even starts

yeah, but Klay is under contract for 2 years instead of 1, and everyone in the NBA knew that Paul George was leaving after 1.

What gave you the idea that they were “shopping Klay” for Paul George? Did you read past the headline? The Deadspin article above says.

Straight up Kawhi-for-Klay (salary matching be damned) is a move the Warriors do 100% of the time, and Spurs do 0% of the time

terrible terrible analysis. I’d buy that Draymond Green is the most irreplaceable player on the team; he’s the key to the switching on defense that is very difficult to find.

How did his right knee survive that last fall?

But it’s true? The great Zach Lowe has often vented his frustrations for how -The Sixers knew the rules and worked within them to tank; the League complains of a perception problem, and then ‘introduces’ Colangelo to the Sixers.
-The Kings ‘tank’ through sheer incompetence, but are not treated to the same level of

doesn’t Cousin’s value drop the more he stays on the Kings? His attitude/fit problems would likely worsen in the same place, and a 1.5 season rental is more valuable than a 0.5 season rental

??? Soccer is by far the easiest team sport to follow, considering both ease of rules and visual clarity:

Clear cut case of “smug person with limited knowledge trying to demonstrate how much better he/she is than the rest of us”, only to flame out spectacularly because he/she really didn’t understand the issue to begin with 

your kitchen is sideways.

I can’t really gauge the temperature of my pan without the water trick. I ain’t putting my hand near the pan to feel it, that’s for sure.

Good to know, thanks for the info!

If you live near a TJ Maxx/Marshall’s, I suggest looking there to see if any All-Clads are on sale.

If you feel fine using them, go ahead. The convenience is great, for sure.

really? I thought they used a mixture pan of Aluminum for even heating and stainless steel for weight/chemical stability.

I used to use BKF, but switched to Bon Ami because the packaging is cuter. Adorable Chicks! Plus i think it works slightly better.

you are correct that soap is fine, but Burneko is saying that you can’t submerge the pan underwater for extended periods of time, which is definitely true.