
I’d agree with Burneko that Cast Iron is significantly harder to clean than SS because you can’t touch the handles when they’re hot, they’re much heavier, and you can’t leave them wet. Plus having to dry with a paper towel and reoil after every cleaning is more work, undeniably. I like my cast iron pans, but am also

I have several cast iron pans and recently treated myself to an All-Clad skillet on sale at the local Marshall’s, which had enough minor scratches on it for them to take an additional 10%(?) off the already-discounted pan. Still spent about $60, but I really like how crisp food comes out.

even if we grant you that the shelter might not know the dog’s true past, how did Lena get the details of 3 owners, 3 names?

well in Roberson’s telling, all the bar did was hand him a bottle. If that’s true, then shame on the bar for making a big deal of this.

It is my understanding that it is illegal for kitchen staff to take tips, because those employees are paid an actual, above-minimum-wage, while servers are not necessarily guaranteed a minimum wage (“because tipping makes up the difference”).

I know you’re joking, but because our laws are stupid, restaurants are allowed to pay servers LESS than minimum wage because “tips make up the difference”. So when you shaft the waiter/ress out of a decent tip, I’d say it’s akin to stealing part of their paycheck.

Joke?? Isaiah Thomas was drafted by the Kings

Maybe not 100% exempt, because then I’m worried about the tanking implications. What’s to stop Hinkie 2.0 from tanking 5+ years straight, and then having a fully drafted top 5 that’s exempt from the cap?

I understand what you’re trying to say. Sometimes life is tough and your boss is there to make the company productive, not to be your friend.

I think it’s a really effective teaching method, if the video makes use of visuals properly

Why haven’t you seen a doctor? Is it for financial reasons?

But Drew gets good writing material out of it, and I imagine the FunBag is one of his highest readership, after Why Your Team Sucks

my boss suggested this and I’ve since followed through.

I believe Metamucil is the trade name for psyllium husk powder + flavoring.

I mean, you can extend this logic to almost everyone, but especially Lebron?

I’ve read/heard a lot of rumblings that Steph Curry isn’t respected by some players because of his “privileged” upbringing.

yikes, just saw the list again. Even if Simmons turns out Blake-griffin status, the draft is still bad.
I see 0 “definitely will be star.”

Turtles in Time!