Ninja Turtles Turtles in Time is the only other glaring omission
Ninja Turtles Turtles in Time is the only other glaring omission
Secret of Mana over Chrono Trigger is surprising
Secret of Mana is fun to play the first half because of its neat Battle Mechanics, but the already-thin plot suddenly dissolves into nothing but an NPC telling you “ok, now go East to this island” “ok, now go South to that mountain”, and the boss battles are either impossible to defeat with traditionally weapons, but…
I’d throw away ghouls and ghosts for Chrono Trigger 100 times out of 100
I had the same reaction as you did, and then I decided to read the article
Legendary game bundle for a legendary console! The only blatant exclusion is Chrono Trigger, wondering why it missed the cut? Super Mario RPG was also made by Squaresoft...
What’s the point of signing Chauncey Billups as GM if your interim guy is doing all this important dirty work anyway?
They also gave up their 2nd round pick to the Warriors for straight cash
damn just bought one 2 days ago for $33
damn just bought one 2 days ago for $33
It’s crazy, but this is definitely a case where “ownership meddling” is the right course of action
why would the Warriors take that deal?
I understand and agree with most of the points, but how do you address the risk of ~5 teams dominating the league in perpetuity? Because certain teams have an innate advantage due to weather, location and media market (ie, revenue).
That’s why there’s a lot of rumblings in a 3-team trade. CLE has not enough assets, so they are trying to find a 3rd mediator
didn’t he draft Butler?
“All the old-timers who whined about no one being able to make jump shots anymore 10 years ago,”
I still don’t understand why he threw his pants away? It sounded like he got his clothes off in time, so it’s not like he crapped his pants. And wouldn’t a single shirt be enough to wipe your ass several times? Especially if you are using another shirt as a seat cushion anyway.
So when ainge does his job well, you dismiss it because “that’s his job?”
well, he also has a hideous jump shot that many don’t think will translate to NBA
For me, he is the greatest refutation of Sam Hinkie.
Disagree completely, especially if “Horford and Thomas” windows are the reason to push. “Win Now” is a bad idea for the next 1-3 seasons because you’ll likely get steamrolled by Lebron in the East, or the Warriors in the West. Horford and Thomas are never gonna be a #1-2 punch leading a championship team.