He absolutely plundered the Nets by trading away old KG + Paul Pierce for multiple #1 picks.
He absolutely plundered the Nets by trading away old KG + Paul Pierce for multiple #1 picks.
but people are framing this as a “Ainge is covering his ass, he thinks Fultz is good”
yeah, because he’s already 28 years old and has to rely on his elite athleticism to make up for his tiny, tiny size. He’s also an enormous liability on defense, and so if he isn’t pumping out elite offense, he’s not worth it.
Also, this is a really stupid rumor. Semen is mostly water. And the whole point of soaps and shampoo are to emulsify fats, not coagulate them. Shower drains get clogged because of stuff like hair, which isn’t a liquid.
OMG are you back???
To be fair, Lebron advocated for Griffin’s return, if you read the links in the article.
but it’s not like the 2017 Cavs would be adding Paul George to 2016 Cavs. They are subtracting Kevin Love.
why would Lebron move to a much harder conference? The East has been Lebron’s bitch for the last 7 years.
really makes you see how great Lebron is
NBA rookie contracts are much cheaper than veteran contracts, freeing up capspace for better role players.
Who do I have to bother to escape the Grays? I’ve been here for a while and haven’t posted any violent, disturbing images
who’s #1? Durant?
No arguing that the Bucks search was a mess, but they aren’t facing a fast-narrowing championship window
Can you point to specific instances where Lebron’s GM skills have been praised?
I don’t watch Fox News, but Chris Wallace seems... pretty good? I remember his moderating the Clinton-Trump debate and he seemed like a very upstanding person. Very surprising for me, given that he was a mainstay at Fox News
On one hand, the Lakers did sign Mozgov and Deng to astronomic contracts, only to bench both healthy players midway through the season.
Stunning contracts, both of them.
His Kelly Oubre piece stands on the Mount Rushmore of bad Deadspin articles
we called it “ring on a string”
It’s a meaningless, subjective definition. People have different metrics for what “greatest” means.