Bad week for Philly. First they lose Wentz, now they learn they could have sued McNabb years ago for making bad passes? Yeesh.
Yeah, if I was a reporter in that room, I would’ve followed up with “So, what would you consider the president of the US saying his predecessor had his phones tapped without any proof? Is that an accident or purposeful misleading? What about saying his predecessor wasn’t born in this country, again, without any proof?…
Sanders neglected to provide any evidence to back up her claim of deliberate lying on the part of the media.
I’m not racist. I have white friends. Namaste!
Cast your vote in the Alabama Senate race yet?
Go fuck yourself
Hey Guys,
The grand scheme of whose things? You? I guess. The rabbit’s? In the rabbit’s grand scheme of things, this dude is a fucking hero.
Username checks out.
Guys look!
Its the life of the party!
Counterpoint: Everything you think you know about heroism is wrong.
LeBatard said something this morning that stuck with me: We’re fast approaching a point where Alex Rodriguez will be more well liked than Derek Jeter. Who saw that coming?
He should, because he fucked this guy.
As always, you are correct. I was lucky enough to see that and it was riveting. I also got to see her in Chicago, where she played Lee Harvey Oswald. I’ve worshipped her since the start of Roseanne.
Laurie Metcalf is one of America’s greatest actors. When she did All My Sons in LA a few years ago, she blew the roof off the house. Such a memorable performance.
The overriding message that if black people would stop complaining and just show some damn gratitude, America will be great again, is like a punch in the goddamn soul.