
I get the appeal for a studio to think that if a live service games catches fire they’ll make bank. But that is a very big if. And while I also understand the inclination to branch out into other genres, most of these studios should probably stick to what works for them. Bioware made their name developing amazing singl

I feel like a PS5 is the only logical console for a PC owner to have. Any Microsoft exclusives are already on PC, so if you want access to the most games possible, the PC/PS5 combo is the best set. Despite also owning a hilariously overkill PC because of my job, I still use and love my PS5, but that’s really just

Social media has given every narcissistic moron with access to a computer or a phone a megaphone, and we’re all dumber and worse off for it.

Maybe it’s because... let me check on the app quick... a small fry on it’s own is fucking $2.59. That’s 230 calories for $2.59. I can get a 250 calorie hamburger for $1.49 or a 400 calorie McDouble for $2.29. Like, I’m not here to do pricing strategy for you, McCEO.

they’re robotic dinosaurs you pedantic aubergine

The colourblind mode is so Sony can see your green more easily...

Nah, the inspiration was charming, funny, and needed in response to the truly shitty things Microsoft were trying to do to the game industry. This, like Ethan says, is cringe-y because it equivocates a console needing an included stand with trying to fuck consumers over with unprecedented DRM.

Lol shut the fuck up dumbass boomer 

If the game has you make meaningful choices, and there are nonviolent routes or people to save, then making you question when to kill or not via emotional responses would be really great. But if you’re pushed to kill people all the time, and stealth segments can ‘fail’ like the first game infinitely spawning enemies

Any media that contains harm to a dog needs to come with a warning. It’s an automatic “nope” for me.

Yeah as much as I love TLOU I’m not sure dog sadness is something I can handle.

Yah...I’m good on Sadness Simulator II, thanks...

What idiot called it Jalen wanting to leave the Jaguars and not Ramsey Boltin’?

Super necessary.

As Kurt Vonnegut said, we must be careful who we pretend to be.

No. If what you’re saying has a large amount of Right Wing Nazis showing up and supporting you, it’s because what you’re saying feels appealing to the scum that is the so-called ‘Alt-Right’. The fact that they turned Pewdiepie into a meme that was referenced by mass shooters, and that hate groups support and spread

The fact that he still believes that “he should be able to joke about anything he wants”. Tells me he still hasn’t learned a goddamn thing.  And why should he?  He’s a priveliged, rich asshole with an audience of yes men who think anything he says and does is gold.

The WalMart employee was almost certainly exempt from paying the ACA fine anyway, unless she was full-benefits management that chose not to cover herself (then she would just be dumb). Plus, the IRS has said they won’t enforce the penalty anymore.

2. Chernobyl 2: Everyone Glows Blue-galoo