
Worst dealership experience? I worked for one for almost 12 years (internet sales, then an upper management position in the internet/tech team).

Surprised you didn’t put the puns in the title.

The veterans Blunt and Cruise both get the ability this time.
Regardless of the other’s status, if either of the pair Bluise die, it resets.
The inevitable “it’s actually multi-timeline and not singular” twist happens.

I think you are severely underestimating the kangaroo

Porsche Boxster has the same problem when the lock on the frunk doesn’t open. You have to start yanking cables from the wheel well to see if you can get it open or use external batteries to ‘spark’ the solenoid to give up it’s locked position. 

Is there a group of automotive PR folks who get together on Friday nights for a couple of beers with the rule being that the one who got Torchinsky’s weekly weird-ass requests (“What can you tell me about the turn indicators on the Mazda CX-30?” “What’s the history behind the Ford fly-out door protector?” “What was

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Truck stops like The Flying J are usually where I would stop pre-plague. Big, clean, lots of food and drink options, and some pretty good pizza for cheap. I also like the smaller no-name places that serve the best fried chicken and chicken livers; the places are just dirty enough you know the chicken is gonna be good

I hadn’t noticed until you pointed it out.  Now it looks like mild accident damage.

I’m going to disagree. It creates a “line to nowhere.” They should have left it capped by the trunk line as opposed to leading the eye further and pointing at what? The oh so familiar wheel flare? There is nothing like it elsewhere on the car either, it just sits there like the orphan it is. They could have been a lot

Completely agree.  Plates aren’t the problem. Cameras are. And not even all of them.  Most speed and traffic light cameras are already adjusted for this. 

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As you said, license plates are embossed. You are not cutting the metal. To actually perforate a metal plate in the shape of individual letters might be cost prohibitive because anything that cuts metal would eventually dull and need to be sharpened or replaced. You could use a water jet but that is more expensive and

Or just leave things be because current licenses plates are cheap, and there isn’t actually a problem that needs solving here.

Nah, that would be silly as that’s obviously not that part of your take that is progressively biased.

Well so much for Jalopnik... this used to be an objective place with interesting automotive news and stories. We get it, the entire G/O media group is on the left and hammers visitors with progressive hot takes daily, but c’mon please keep Jalopnik free of garbage takes like this. Gizmodo was lost ages ago, but now J

99% of your takes on here are shit. This is just another one. If a guy is going to run from the cops with stolen plates then he’s going to do more to stay free. Or the cops don’t pursue people so they rob us at gun point and the cops don’t chase them for shit. Then the criminal is free to do what he wants because

Wow, the few times I have had a moving violation I HAVE STOPPED!  It’s a weird thought Bradley, but almost everyone STOPS.

we’re probably 12-16 years away from the lib wetdream AOC presidential run, so until then, unfuck the senate, unfuck the house, and get someone elected who will not destroy the fucking supreme and circuit courts with goblin judges.

Fuck off with this bullshit.

I think my dad tried, but he’s impatient and get’s frustrated easily if you can’t read his mind about what you’re supposed to be doing. I think he gave up after a while. Lucky for me, I like to read and learn by watching videos so I figured out this whole wrenching thing on my own. Dare I say I’m better than he is...

Why do we need ketchup when we already have tomatoes?