I never really “got” Car Talk as a kid, much to the surprise of the adults in my life. I was a little car nut from Massachusetts, after all. And my dad loved it. But this story closes a lot of loops for me.
I never really “got” Car Talk as a kid, much to the surprise of the adults in my life. I was a little car nut from Massachusetts, after all. And my dad loved it. But this story closes a lot of loops for me.
Guy’s got some afterburners. Definitely rooting for him to win a roster spot.
Not for nothing, but I feel like you’re missing the point. Being unkind to someone on purpose is unnecessary. Seafood kills Becky, Gluten gives Bob the sh*ts for a week, Dairy makes John’s farts smell like death, Meat makes Tracy (the Vegan) upset, and I just really don’t like avocado.
I’m glad you live in Arizona, too.
How old are the kids supposed to be here? this takes place about six months after season 2's Snow Ball, so they are about 12-13 years old, right? My point is that Mike is a young kid in his first relationship with a girl and just had his first fight with El. I feel like his attempts to make up with El should be in the…
Pretty pumped that we’re changing who the most famous pitcher named Rocker is.
to me getting friendly with the bartenders is a big part of the appeal of becoming a bar regular.
We don't eat Koala. Too many STDs.
The Australian option not being a burger with beetroot just seems wrong.
As a designer... I have to say fuck right off with this nonsense.
Speaking as a veteran. I like that the current version is understated and not overly patriotic. I fucking hate going to ballparks and being force fed American flags, anthems, 7th inning stretch patriotic songs, etc. Enough already. I always tell people that on actual military bases we don’t even have that level of…
Its not bad its just... bland. Like the stock photo Boeing would show you before you selected your own color palate during the order process.
I’m really liking the new Lincoln Continental. All 5,368 pounds of it.
I read the entire book on a Sunday afternoon. It it that good.
I am SO IN for this. I loved the book, and really hope the movie can hold up.
Enzo is such a good boy!
You just know that’s gonna happen. It happens in every god damn dog movie since Old Yeller. The only way around this is to leave five minutes before the credits roll. That’s how wifey and I got through Marley and Me. Just get up and walk out. You’ll know when its time.
Jeez its misty in here.
I have an electric smoker and I love it! Pair that with a wireless thermometer and you are good to go.