Hi, I'm Bob Evil

You have so much to live for.

We do thing a little different in the Heartland.

The butt kick is the most egregious and the one that makes his defense of his leg kicks sound borderline insane. He was standing with the ball, started to drive, the ball was hit which caused his foot to fly into someone’s ass. That makes zero sense unless he was going to goose-step to the paint.

I had the same thought. Top 15, almost Top 10, sounds elite to me.

Sometimes you have to dig deep to find that precious nugget you’ve been craving.

I haven’t been participating in the bashing of 2016, because people die and shit happens. There have probably been just as depressing years, so I didn’t pile on...until now. I hope 2016 dies of some weird disease contracted from tossing a hobo’s salad.

Yeah! And why don’t news outlets have to pay the weather events they report on?

+1 flag. Too many men on the field

Jill Stein lost to Gary Johnson, and Johnson would most likely have gone for Trump instead, so Hillary didn’t lose because of Third Party candidates.

You should see the video Ludabris does.

Counterpoint: Deathproof is rad.

Someone should photoshop a god mane onto Leonard. Not me, because I can’t do anything cool on computers.

I like the ball fake.

I was all ready to gloat and say, “Yeah, Scotland has issues too!” But unfortunately, Glasgow is also in Montana. Stupid USA.

Are other types of jokes allowed? Just puns are off limits.

Which is the real Ken Bone?!

After being hired he got a big head.

“My manager told to me not to use alcohol as a crutch. But a crutch is something that helps me walk.” - Mitch Hedberg

What about that goddamn All-Star game. Put the pitchers back in, you numb nuts!

They support all things somber and dour.