She doesn’t even try to avoid the other cat in the mirror.
She doesn’t even try to avoid the other cat in the mirror.
I almost moved to Broccoli, CO.
That’s racist.
L.only G.oodlooking B.lack T.eens?
LPShea, if you’re not a doctor, then stfu. You have no proof that cocaine, HGH, PCP, steroids, and horse tranquilizers have any deleterious effect on the human body.
Filed under #cool, but, did that look a little close to anyone else? Looks like it could have fallen off stage right just as easily as landed safely.
Clearly you’re too smart for the executive floor.
I just hope the PPT included a lot of that tire-screeching sound effect.
+1 for the inclusion of the wife in the engineering spec. Definitely the hardest part of any home improvement project. If not for that CTQ metric, my house would be a (fully functional) spider web of wires that no one other than me could operate.
Agree. Backwash is such a level 1 concern. It can get SO much worse.
Aggravating to be sure. But I kind of hear it as the last death rattle of the old guard.
I have four kids and am a huge advocate of raising awareness of toddlerphobia. There are simply not enough people who are afraid of what toddlers can do and how quickly they can do it. We should have more toddler free zones. And I never ever want to share my glass of water with one ever again.
It’s the tiny ones you have to watch.
Fair question, but no.
I like babes. I like guns. I don’t understand babes posing w/ guns. I mean, I DO, the gun being representative of the phallus, but, I don’t know...maybe I’m just a purist. I don’t like ketchup on my fries either.