
Those three teams are as good as any other division’s bottom three.

What I’m not happy about is how much everyone seems to be enjoying the Browns still sucking.

Bill Simmons, is that you? 

This isn’t really an argument against video replay in general. All you’re saying is that video replay can’t resolve a relatively small number of irresolvable ambiguities. But most cases in which it is applied do not involve these sorts of ambiguities. Most of the time, video review is just used to see if the officials

The castle doctrine requires only that she “reasonably believed” that the victim was an intruder in her home. That was her whole defense. The judge had to allow this instruction, otherwise this case would 100% be overturned on appeal.

There was never any question that the castle doctrine instruction would be included. The entire defense was based on her argument that she believed she was shooting an intruder in her own home. The judge had no choice but to allow the jury to consider the law on that point. Otherwise, this case would be 100%

They kicked the Steelers’ teeth in without Brown, too. And before Ben got hurt. 

The all-purpose handyman was never given a real chance to find his stride and fix what was wrong with the Niners, as he was replaced in 2016 by Chip Kelly, who was much worse.

Millenials, amirite? With their “hashtags” and their “yolos” and their beepin and tha boppin and the what-have-yous. 

Poor Eric. First he gets unjustly banned from the stadium, now he was bloggers publicly describing him as “beefy.”

Yeah, that’s always been my rule of thumb. If you’re watching a game, at the stadium or at home, go ahead with “We should have scored” or “The Refs are screwing us”.

AB is 1000x crazier than Moss ever was. I can’t imagine any competitive team with competent leadership wanting anything to do with him.

For 95% of the population for the bulk of human history, education simply was training on how to make a living.

There is more to education than learning how to make money. At least, there should be. And there was, until the 19th-century obsession with efficiency and production turned the educational system into an industry and human beings into resources.

Why is Oregon entirely PNW, but Washington is not? Eastern Oregon is just as arid as eastern Washington, and extends (slightly) further east.

I’m as liberal as the next deadspin commenter, but I'm not sure how the GOP is responsible for something like this. What regulation has been proposed that would keep this kid from getting his hands on a shotgun?

Pretty sure this is just poor wording. The stop was illegal because it was based on the video recording, which itself was based on a deficient warrant. Without a proper warrant, you can’t use the video, and without the video, you have no basis for the stop.

I was being salty. But I also thought it through. 

I put it at about 57% of 1% of 1%. Your method includes all people in the United States, including children, who have not yet had the chance to make it to the NFL, as well as older people, among whom are people who have already played in the NFL. I think a better calculation would be to express the number of people
