
Leon’s knife will deteriorate over time

Honestly, I could actually see tech corporations do that in general since they’re embracing AI tools(their push to make labor obsolete obv.).

They didn’t mean to use that language, and they know that it was inappropriate for them to say in a court filing, or ever. It was just A Heated Gamer Moment, and they’re asking for your forgiveness.

Given how much of the internet will straight up compare you to Hitler for pointing out the difference between “affect” and “effect”, it’s hard to blame them for walking on eggshells.

I know where they’re trying to come from with the statement about how they’re looking to be more progressive and inclusive (which are definitely good things) but sometimes I still can’t help but think “couldn’t you have just said “we’re changing it from ‘race’ to ‘species’ as the latter is more accurate”” rather than

Activision Blizzard being one of the world’s biggest publishers is an absolute lie. Top 5? sure. But it aint #1.

That photo with the bean bags makes me physically ill. It probably smells so bad in there. Unwashed dudes with the same underwear for 3 days trying to cover up the stench with with thick layers of the most sickly sweet Axe spray they can get their hands on. Aside from that the lighting is torture, it looks even worse

I’m mainly talking about psychopaths that invade.

“Part of gaming is the fantasy that hard work pays off. Hard work not paying off is the real life thing people are trying to escape from.” minute for the hot dog to explode all over the inside of the microwave, and two minutes thirty seconds to clean the microwave and throw the hot dog in the trash? Sounds about right.

three minutes and thirty seconds, like microwave a hot dog.”

It gets magnitudes better after the first episode.

Is there a downside to this? Like do they get tired or similar when it wears off? I was happy with feast most of the game but when you get to go back to old areas and do long runs three days with no hunger seems pretty huge. I’m at the point where I’ve got more than enough food to just cook extra meals and leave them

Neato! I went with feast because I was struggling to keep everyone fed. It’s come in handy. I’m also a baby, so I feel bad when my “villagers” are suffering, lol.

Actually continuing to play games you’ve already paid for costs them money in server costs and maintenance, assuming you’re not actively spending money.

Knight Vision

Congratulations Blizzard. You managed to make a pay to lose game.

They did not search for that info as they already had it. They also did not publish with malicious intent. People have to register for official tournaments using their official names, which is why Riot used them. Was it shitty to use them in a press release when the individuals in question are not forthcoming with

Could you say “we terminated our partnership with John Smith after he harassed one of our other partners”?  Because that’s more analogous to what happened here.