See, this is why Synthesis is the best choice. Cuz then we ALL get to have robot arms.
See, this is why Synthesis is the best choice. Cuz then we ALL get to have robot arms.
Or if you beat it then it auto refunds the game
It’s our fault if the game fails, because we didn’t try hard enough to get him to tell us why the game is fantastic.
It is amusing to note, given this lack of hierarchy, they happened to put their own game top of the list.
Esports stands for electronic sports, right? Electronic in french is Electronique and Sports in french is also Sports... so... maybe the french can use Electronique Sports and short it to I dunno.... Esports?
I’ve made this a slideshow because it seems the nicest way to present them, rather than an over-long list. No whining.
This! I think Ari just likes Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands.
From the wiki for Shabiris Woe: “Only works in co-op: Cannot be used to attract aggro from enemies to not target your spirit ashes.”
Hey Zack!
Or, die happy
Or, live happy
Wondering why this remains Kotaku’s most recent article 12+ hours later on a weekday?
Because peeker’s advantage: CSGO has some terrible net code in many other ways, but if I come around a corner and headshot someone, it better damn kill em. And people have come to terms with the fact that if you peeked at all, and missed your shot, you’re probably dead before you can get back behind cover. You gotta…
I feel like “favor the shooter” is just a cover for shoddy network code. There’s a reason I tell people that Overwatch has the worst network code I’ve ever seen in a multiplayer FPS.
The fact they claim to favor the shooter is bullshit anyway. I can’t count how many times I’ve unloaded two mags into someone, getting hit notifications the whole time, only for them to then turn around and shoot me 5 times and kill me. It’s literally just a random dice roll 60% of the time I engage with anyone…
I think it can go pretty bad the other way. I’ve encountered issues with precision weapons where I can literally see the bullet hit them in the head for what would be a kill only for them to walk away, blood spatter and all. For less explicit instances, I think it would definitely be frustrating to encounter multiple…
“Commenter aims, but misses.”
Its aesthetic is 100% Castlevania inspired. And its simplicity is refreshing. I read this, played it, and didn’t stop playing it for two days.
FWIW I believe the achievements count for the co-op partner. Started playing last night and I was the host but they commented on the few achievements we got were counting for them as well. It still is annoying a co-op partner doesn’t get their own save file but as long as you only use a co-op save file with the same…