“We’ll have to wait and see if Crimson Desert can avoid the same fate.”
“We’ll have to wait and see if Crimson Desert can avoid the same fate.”
I am in the privileged group, so I’m happy to defer to those who are more affected by the experience.
Totally agreed. This was just the logic that will lead someone who wants to take the best action astray. No way to know the true intent, but I usually try to come up with the most justifiable answer and work from there. It’s still wrong of course, in that it does not outweigh the positives of sharing the information…
I’m curious as to why it wouldn’t work in first person. In the case of Skyrim, isn’t it just moving the camera? I’m thinking at worst, it should just look terrible.
(I’ll preface that I think ban reasons should be given, for sure.)
I haven’t fully formed opinions on the larger ‘are lootboxes gambling’ yet, but I don’t think this argument works. Doesn’t the typical gambling scenario also offer means of obtaining the same items via a longer process?
“improving your aim and reducing your chance to hit”
Radar is still there though. It just effectively changes the height and speed of crouching. You’re now crouching by default, in terms of the effects on the radar, are are now just limited to one speed above radar appearance threshold instead of two.
Everyone in KH has keyblades nowadays, so I assume there’s a lumberjack somewhere with a chainkey.
Keychain is already something in KH...
Oh, just got turn the Kingdom Hearts word generator up from .0002 to .o1 -
I’m really curious how multiple playthroughs are handled with this data. I’ll typically play heroic and honorable first, with deviation based on ‘badass’ moments that feel appropriate. Then I’ll twist the game up on subsequent playthroughs.
Man, when Fuse was called ‘Overstrike’ it looked like a radically awesome game. I can only assume Ratchet and Clank swiped back their fun juice, leaving them only with the hollow carcass of Resistance to work into a new IP.
See, that I get. Greed I can fathom. Their “Hurr durr, offline mode is too hard!” stance is incredibly embarrassing. Legitimately cringing reading their post.
OH! I just found out that one of their previous games had this mythical tech. Maybe they can retrofit this alien technology to operate within their new game?
“We’re looking into ways we could support offline for the future but you will need an internet connection to play at launch.”
I’m desperately hoping these don’t have the L4D rushrushrush style gameplay. The constant GO push in those games burns me out after a single run. (I can see why others would like it, but my explorer instincts burn in these situations.)
From what I’m seeing, successor may be a better descriptor than competitor. That said, I’ve never really played too much Sims, so my opinion power is somewhere near the bottom here. I am interested in playing this though.
Just think, if they had crunched, we could have gotten another Cyberpunk 2077!
I originally thought it said cosplay, was momentarily confused, and then thought it meant they added cross-character skins. Like a Reinhardt skin for Tracer or something. I was excited, and then crushed when the last half of the second of time passed and my reading was corrected. A real roller coaster of a second.
I wish companies would offer a subscription option in addition to the pay per skin option. I would pay a subscription to Path of Exile in order to have free use of its cosmetics. I have put something like a thousand hours into that game. I won’t buy any of the cosmetics, because $70 for a pair of wings just isn’t…
What a weirdly specific request. And yet, not specific enough. You imply both, but just to confirm, are you finding both unaesthetic or otherwise problematic, or is it just one and the plural was mostly incidental? Where does tit end and boob begin? Or if you meant breasts entirely, like...when do the skin atoms…