I could picture that! Makes sense.
I could picture that! Makes sense.
Oh yeah, Isolation, that probably helped too.
I almost feel the lockers should be removed. The moment I saw one, and that I could close it with me inside, I pretty much knew what to expect. Once stuff started up, I knew to just run to it and wait things out, which took some of the wind out of the horror sails. Amnesia taught me too well.
Join the Donkey covenant to collect tufts in PvP. Build up enough and you’ll gain several aspects of the donkey, eventually mastering the full Jackass form.
I would be ecstatic. They can keep the lootboxes if it is make or break. (Maybe disable buying with real money.)
You give Liara, who’s whole life’s work is digging into, studying, and organizing knowledge a space station with the means of collecting ALL of the knowledge. More modern knowledge than she likely wanted, but combined with a sudden need to use it, gives motivation. Leaving her with the motive and means to become the…
Would it help if I cross bred it with another dead meme?
That makes sense! :)
I like to try to ‘fanonize’ things like this, here’s my attempt:
I had thought he was stale due to the lycan attacks. Thought he might be on his way to being one.
Any work of art wherein someone throws themselves as a ‘medoken’ should automatically gain fair use protection as a parody. I’m pretty sure that’s like ‘Newton’s √-1 Law of Motion’.
I’ve got a little over 25,000 games in the backlog. Progress was slowed with a recent crashing issue, but thankfully the bug was fixed.
I get the arguments, but not how they apply to mods. Modding is like if I give you a sticker to put on your car. This clandestine sticker hand off wasn’t done under the shadow of feeling ‘entitled’ to the product. No damage is done to the bottom line of the car manufacturer.
I hope Jeff from the Overwatch Team Kaplan doesn’t feel like he needs to change his name. I imagine it will cause confusion to still introduce himself that way, but a man shouldn’t have to change his name just because the coincidence no longer exists.
What are the dangerous side effects of playing the game that make a prescription necessary? The prescription implies that this is more dangerous than over the counter drugs, right?
“Locking off sections of the game that need to be paid extra for” isn’t automatically or objectively bad.
I’m one of the people that was sort of thinking ‘what the hell’ when this ocurred, but thinking about this now, isn’t this like being upset that the person playing in a commercial has early access? These streamers are being paid to show off the game, wouldn’t you want your commercial to focus on the selling points?
I’d more consider it a Gears of War style game with loot, than a Division/Anthem/Destiny. It’s not really an MMO, it’s a coop game with an ending.
What mutually exclusive* route should they have taken instead?
“For no reason” is shorthand for, “for no stated reason that is easy to understand”. In this context, the implications are that the writer believes few people will find it easy to understand. This provides greater insight than ‘I disagree with this’. You can understand the rationale of something and disagree with it.…