Are you referring to when Bloodthunder said “I planned this.” before the actual punchline? If so, I agree, he kind of undercut himself.
Are you referring to when Bloodthunder said “I planned this.” before the actual punchline? If so, I agree, he kind of undercut himself.
Absolutely, but energy is always spent in these interactions. While the energy doesn’t ‘disappear’ it disperses into impractical to gather ways. At some point, all forms of energy will cost more energy to use/gather than would be gained, leading to the heat death of the universe.
“Everything will end. Endings are inevitable. But that doesn’t mean the end of everything.”
Bonzu Pipinpadaloxicopolis the Third!
Black coffee is too sweet. You’re not a man until you take your coffee in 200mg pill form!
I wouldn’t mind this if there was just a subscription price I could pay that gave me access to everything. Why can’t we have both? Some may prefer a subscription for all content, others may prefer ala cart.
SpammersAreScum implies that rationale in their answer, your part is already covered. People/Companies rationales don’t stop at ‘arbitrary thing not met, therefore no’. Rationale would include how they’re preventing loss, or gaining benefits.
When will he get to his favorite video games!? Outer Wilds?
I had no mouth, but now I SCREAM
-Your Switch, probably
Pull the wheel, and it’ll slow down. Push it, and it will accelerate. Sneeze or hit a bump to easily kill everyone in front of you.
Sounds like her not stopping the show, was stopping the show, until she could stop the show with her showstopping stoppage of the show, leaving the show totally stopped.
Makes sense, though liking spoilers, or not liking them, is not terribly unusual. One or the other isn’t really something to aspire to, just another preference, like a favorite color.
Massterful article on the effects of this booty, the junk in the trunk at the end of the raid, butt which end will the devs get behind once we’re at the backside of this issue? Assurances are needed, as we work towards the bottom of this!
I don’t think I’ve ever seen Tetris S shape 4 piece abs before. Very impressive.
I always thought Sick Sticks were a very clever non-lethal weapon. I’m at least 20% less likely to commit crime if there’s a chance someone will make me vomit.
Certainly not going to be running and jumping in that state.
I was excited until I realized it actually has coffee (or coffee flavoring) in it. I was hoping it was just Pepsi with more caffeine. I really dislike coffee, so typically just take a 200mg caffeine pill instead. Some other drink options would be nice though.
Extra regular Dr. Pepper
Games for Older Kids - The ol’ wishlist is also a great resource!