Happy birthday Javi!
Happy birthday Javi!
Playing Jack is the most fun I’ve had in a Gears game in a long time. I’ve always enjoyed the Gears games, but Jack’s asymmetrical gameplay was a fantastic addition. My friend and I eschewed the second human for the combined might of Jack and bro. Jack is my go to in Horde as well.
“The average American doesn’t think we have to completely tear down the system and remake it.”
Joshua Rivera’s actually got this one covered in the body of the article. It’d probably start to be a little long in the title if he included it there, but a quick read of the article should suffice to put anyone’s mind at rest.
Maybe I’m not looking at this right, but I would think if a restaurant employee spilled a drink on your phone, you would hope the restaurant replaces it, right? (Yes, a $30,000 purse is an extravagance I can’t quite imagine, but to each their own, right?)
Doesn’t really bother me, but the sign could drop the ageist bent. Are adults allowed to start food fights?
Perhaps he is only willing to appear in games with a perfect score?
This is awesome. I wonder what the company feels about this. I imagine they’re sweating about the potential liability if one of those volunteers had gotten hurt, or if any customer complains about this. Sometimes just accepting help is made so complicated by things like that.
I think there are technological resolutions to this issue. I believe that servers are people, should be treated well, and paid a living wage. I also believe that the service people are paying for is the actual restaurant experience, as opposed to the food.
“especially trying to have an even level experience [is a tall order]”
So everything in Overwatch 2 could be in Overwatch 1, it will even receive the improved graphics and models...
So now they have to play on their parents account? :P
So, uh... jump the next black woman up the line?
I was ready to be offended too, but the card is actually “Surly Mob”, not “Angry, Mindless Mob”
Wouldn’t this be illegal as a form of unlawful search and seizure? If that blocks opening the door, wouldn’t it block opening the wall? The person really hide in there long enough for them to get a warrant?
“The smart move is to still drive that Honda until it falls apart.”
Best option:
Maintain two ‘books’ like a mobster. Leave the fitbit as is so you can tell how many steps you actually did for any other purposes you might need accuracy for, and then create an excel spreadsheet for ‘tracking’ those steps. Get this, you can actually make the number whatever you want in the spreadsheet!!…
Sports games don’t really have the mix of sports content I consume. I’ve always been more interested in how sports fit into our world, the related politics, that kind of thing. Wish there was a good place for that.
I thought your favorite song was the Spacer’s Choice Jingle?