So very bizarre. It’s just another food item. It doesn’t replace meat, it’s just another thing to eat. Do they lobby against fried mozzarella patties too?
So very bizarre. It’s just another food item. It doesn’t replace meat, it’s just another thing to eat. Do they lobby against fried mozzarella patties too?
Retrieve Arms
I’ve been staring at your comment trying to ‘well, actually’ with an example of a game being ‘too political’, but all I came up with weren’t bad because of the politics, just would be bad because the concept was boring.
You may or may not already know, but I like to keep the word out there, you can play it again nowadays.
And the level pact was just the best friggin thing. Your friend or significant other could play and you’d always be the same lvl no matter what.
I always took the intent as goofy and weird, as opposed to actually philosophical. Almost more intentional parody then anything else.
I had tried each of the big mobas, and many of the smaller ones, and thought it wasn’t really my genre. This game proved to be a fantastic exception. The talent system is so much more interesting to me compared to the item stores of other mobas. The other compelling aspect of this game was how different many of their…
What are you doing with your life if you’re not actively recording everything in your house to capture the supernatural actions leading to say your pillow being in another room!? You’d be incredibly rich, and absolutely famous once you proved it, the very first actual haunting!
I just want to be sure I understand you correctly. People who refer to the Incel group by the name they chose are more pathetic than manifesto reciting attention seeking murderers?
People often determine their opinions of other people, animals, objects, or things, based on the apparent decisions they make or seem to make. “Don’t determine the value a company has to you based on the actions it makes” is such a bizarre stance, I’m not entirely sure how to continue the conversation.
The question isn’t wrong, they just accepted the wrong answer. The correct answer was ‘What are you even talking about?’
This fascinates me, as it can be interesting determining where the lines are for certain things like this. For example, if they created a Virtual reality option for ordering pizza, let’s say using Vive, would they need to provide a some way to allow blind people to order that way? Couldn’t they say that a phone call…
Why do they think this is intended to ‘overturn’ the 2016 election? That doesn’t even make sense from a right wing perspective. Their thinking should be that it’s intended to modify, disrupt, bastardize, or mutate the 2016 election. Overturning would mean either going to a new election, or jumping to the runner up.…
Such a strange semantic mess. This goes up and down, so to prevent confusion on my intention, I will say up front: I support LGBTQ protections and think the existing laws should cover them without needing to change them.
That’s such a just plainly weird stance for Blizzard to take. History typically ends in favor of groups looking for rights and freedom, and ends poorly for those who stand opposed to that. With so much historical precedence, why would a company take such a risky move? I’m baffled.
This is such an extremely bizarre take that I’m wondering if you’re picturing something else then everyone else. To be clear, this isn’t “how to make people interested in what you are interested in”, this was “If the topic comes up, here’s how you can discuss gaming in a way that won’t be overwhelming to the…
“Luo declined to comment on any potential legal issues.”
Vulpera? I thought these were called Lombax.
Thank you, you’re right, I’ve oversimplified to cover many points in a short time, which does not do the topic justice. I also admit that I was commenting using general knowledge about lootboxes, not specific to Rocket League, and should have considered that fine details regarding how this particular game economy…
Thank you for the info!