If I have a pet in a game I always name it Wunkerstug. This stems from randomly naming my dog 1qrstg in Harvest Moon, and I liked the phonetic pronunciation enough to just stick with it. If I ever get a real dog, I’ll likely name it Wunkerstug.
If I have a pet in a game I always name it Wunkerstug. This stems from randomly naming my dog 1qrstg in Harvest Moon, and I liked the phonetic pronunciation enough to just stick with it. If I ever get a real dog, I’ll likely name it Wunkerstug.
LW3, if you’re not doing anything to chase details or stalk, and your rage is still burning strong, it sounds like that relationship may have been incredibly traumatic. I would disagree with the majority of the advice being given on this topic, ‘just forget’ PTSD won’t work.
Taking Overwatch for example, updates keep the game fresh. I would have stopped playing it a long time ago otherwise.
Can you surreptitiously replace Sir Fetch’d’s leek to maintain his longevity? Wouldn’t want my pokemon retiring simply due to spoilage.
I take the wording of ‘exposed a speeding camera malfunction known as the “double doppler”’ to mean he proved this indisputably, so why did he still have to pay the fine?
Beautifully countered, thank you. Wonderful points all the way through.
Pikachu is dressed as Pikachu, he just happened to get the costume from the same place as Mimikyu. They should have had Pikachu actually dress up as Mimikyu.
If a 20% fee is being added to every order in place of a tip, but it’s being distributed evenly....why does this exist? Why aren’t the prices just 20% more?
*Oops, this wasn’t meant as a reply, meant to post on the article. Sorry “Yes I drive a 240... Sort of”!
No support for this guy, just here for pedantic semantics:
I really enjoyed Resident Evil 5, and Revelations 2. I was really hoping for a Revelations 3, or another main game like RE5 (with the kept inventory and unlockables, not like RE6).
Quoting random parts of this article to my friends is now my favorite pastime.
Gears 5 hit a game subscription service 4 days before it even came out! :P
He must be stuck in a blackmail bidding war with two sides who just keep upping the ante. He’ll rescind his rescinding when ADL adds 3 more fingers to the pot.
Your arguments make a lot of sense, and the conversation fascinates me. Where do we draw the line on ‘this should be free like it used to be’ insofar as the investment the company originally put in?
“If you don’t like something in a game then don’t buy it”
There are people who don’t react to things with such caustic poison. Why should she hope this obvious character flaw pans out?
Iced coffee is just coffee that is brewed the normal way (i.e., with hot water), allowed to cool and then poured over ice and served cold. This usually takes a couple of hours, although you can speed up the process by chilling coffee in the fridge.
Two-player characters! Yes! I love non-standard stuff like this. Cho-Gall and Abathur in Heroes of the Storm originally hooked my interest, and I may look at this game specifically just because of these characters.
Psh, Ragnaros? I’ve killed him as ‘Guy with Gun’ and even as a Protoss Probe. Heroes of the Storm is a great way to quickly gauge power levels of Blizzard characters.