*Comically Exaggerated Voice*
*Comically Exaggerated Voice*
My school always played with the rule that if you catch a ball, you get a teammate back. I was expecting his absorb ability to cover this. Very cool mode nonetheless.
I’m sure you meant well, but honestly I think you meant “The repercussions he encountered are a natural consequence of the stance he took”. Similar concept, but very different perspective.
But it wasn’t unlimited, it was limited to 100GB. If somehow you could get a save file down to 1 bit, that would be 800 million save files, a decent amount away from unlimited, unless you’re using Cell carrier terminology.
Every character will be played by James Spader, in character as the original character’s actor playing the character as James Spader.
I would love to see this concept married to the time loop and exploration concepts of Outer Wilds. You are all powerful, but you’re fighting a time loop you can’t hope to beat without the right knowledge. The enemy knows they can’t stop you, so everything is put into slowing you down.
Fair enough, there’s always a +/- in interest in different parties as things change, which I’m very grateful for. Keeps things novel, allowing me to move from thing to thing as interest waxes and wanes from change. Stagnation is a quick way to boredom.
You’re definitely right, I can see the implication in my comment being that the replacement is new. The replacements are typically used, from Goodwill or Craigslist.
I have the opposite problem. I delete things and end up having to redownload things all the time. I just love getting things out of my headspace if I’m not currently using it. I do this with objects too, don’t have a need for this chair? Goodwilled. Oh yeah, need a chair for x purpose that came up, get another chair.…
“Everything is fine, I don’t think there is anything wrong with the money I make or the way I am treated at work”
Everything is fine.
Thank you.
The mechs are probably the first thing I’ve seen that have perked up my ears about this game. Well, the battle royale part, honestly a Game Informer issue from like 15 years ago first perked my ears about the original Fortnite concept.
Put a price tag directly on the shakers. That may change the perception of walking out with a tchotchke that may seem like no one would miss, to the perception of actually stealing goods meant for selling. I think the psychology of it could make a decent difference.
That said, there is one other point where impatience cost me a few cycles. A point involving racing sand...
I almost went this path of impatience, but I got sucked through the black hole, and ash twin was closer to me than brittle hollow, so ended up just waiting a couple minutes for the portal to clear. Thank you to random chance for preventing my mistaken tendencies!
You group up, work 9 to 5, present your KPI’s in a very formulaic manner, and rinse and repeat.
I woke up yesterday 3 minutes before my alarm went off. The alarm was intended to be my first alarm, with the plan being that a second alarm would go off 10 minutes later for me to actually get up to. Since I woke up before the first alarm, I turned it off. I had not turned off the second alarm, but for once, for just…
Now I’m extra confused. It seems the internet is split on how this is defined. I had thought it meant what you’re saying, then I googled it because things I was seeing didn’t quite fit, and now I read more than a couple results and find that people are defining it both ways.
I’d say it’s a little surprising. I would not have bet real money on Heinz offering to pay for the thief’s damages. Maybe ‘Thief gets slighly surprising but reasonable and not outside the bounds of precedent offer from ketchup conglomerate’?
Meme Build didn’t last long did it? That’s ok, I never felt it fit right. Dad Builds it is.