
Agreed, Halo’s map is more what I was thinking. Been quite awhile since I’ve played CoD. Would be interesting to see something that becomes more detailed as more sound is made.

I’m going to play devil’s advocate for a moment, but to be clear, I like the removal of the mini-map. Love mini-maps as a way to track exploration, find them to be a focus stealing distraction in competitive games.

Fascinating, I’d love to know how that’s possible. What natural inclination in psychology would lead wildly different, unique, interesting, perfectly balanced playstyles to be boring to players and spectators vs only the first 3 factors?

Your name is ‘Palpable’?
[Laughs Middle Schoolishly]

Will this work on 30-50 wild hogs?

I’m curious where he believes the rudeness to song factor of wearing a hat comes from, and why that authority puts it above piledriving children. Would he be able to provide a list of actions that are rude, and their qualifications, and then help us determine why other actions are not rude to songs despite seeming

If they decompose without issue, does it matter that they can’t be recycled? Wasn’t recycling an answer for things that don’t decompose?

Right, like why is this article pointing out something to enjoy when they could instead....wait, actually I’m not sure what your point is. Is it just self referential, like you were going to complain, but then you were like “I should just let people enjoy this”?

I like Obama, but certainly don’t mind him being criticized. What’s the point though? Shouldn’t they be speaking more about what they’re going to do, regardless of what somebody else did?

I would have thought that a degree on alternate universes such as this would have been very useful to getting into Black Mesa’s PR Department.

1/24th the scale. :P

I wish, I’m actually much more curious now that I’ve dredged up the memories. It was about 10-11 years ago, and I had very little practical programming experience at the time, and was fairly young, so had no reference point for abnormal. The whole situation, the proprietary language, the ‘Company’, were very likely

I didn’t know enough to recognize it at the time, but honestly I think it was just barely modified C+. He called it ‘CDC’.

Thoroughly interesting read, thank you Cecilia!

You normalize things by treating it as normal. The word has been retroactively updated to make that clear now, a global search and replace has been completed across all records and memory. The previous version of the word “permitalizing” has been deprecated, and may be confusing to others if attempted to use.

Right? It’s so woke to notice similar bone structures and to make general interest jokes. I remember when someone made a knock knock joke, ending with ‘Orange you glad I didn’t say banana?’ and I was stunned at how woke they must have been for not having a man in their joke.

Who doesn’t have questions about Sandy Hook? Like “How could this happen?” and “Can humanity ever redeem itself?”, or “Is there any way we could react to a shooting to make the pain flare more for longer?”

Tell them to either call the police and have you arrested for using a fake ID, or serve the drink.

If employee’s hid there regularly, did they all coincidentally forget about it for 7 years? Nobody needed to hide for a break since then?

Horn’s semantic games are pathetic. This is the most low effort revisionism I’ve ever seen. In a really stupid way, there’s a technical accuracy there. If you own someone, just because you are selfish, and don’t care what kind of person you own, you’re technically just evil in ways far beyond racism.