
Pretty sure Original Soylent tastes exactly like Influencer

How’d you get out? Always looking for the silver bullet to bring family out of the night terrors.

But,but Mario is red!

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I would rather get booted back and spend a few seconds finding a new match then play 10ish minutes not enjoying myself due to cheating.

Right? Why can’t it be as descriptive as the other genre titles? Non-gamers inherently know that Adventure games consist of finding obscure uses for objects, and that platformers mean primarily precision based jumping.

Soul Reaver. Don’t touch the sound, music, and voices. Just replace all the models and textures. I desperately need a reason to play this again, and sadly all of my friends missed it.

It’s in a different layer. Things that are in world, that people react to, or affect things unexpectedly, must follow internal logic. Things that change the experience for only you are a sticker on your tv screen. They need no further explanation than you walked up to your tv and stuck a sticker there.

And make the biggest complaint of BoTW worse? Too many good weapons, why can’t I store them!? I almost wish they broke a third faster.

Now that you’ve promised a release date, you better not delay it like you did No Man’s Sky.

Steal their chair! HA!

In the analogy about Dad throwing a party he thinks you’d want, it’s more like he threw a party for your little brother, that you’re kind of interested in, but it’s really for your little brother, so you may or may not show up.

If Bleach is so safe to use, why don’t you drink it!?

Considering how easy it is to not spoil things, I consider it in the same way I do anything else we do for others on a general basis. We use a persons preferred pronoun because of how it affects them, we spoiler tag things we talk about because of how it affects them, we say please and thank you because of how it

They weren’t comfortable with Lickitung doing literally the only thing it’s known for doing?

Why not just restore the more feature complete version that was available online previously?

What’s the psychological mechanism behind not wanting to switch teams? Is it competitiveness between the two of you, investment fallacy in the team, or can’t be bothered? (Not a judgement! I run into these situations myself, and am always curious to track down the mental reasoning.)

A bunch of players that had functionally finished the game complained when the game’s progression system was going to give them a reason to play the new content. I’ve never seen an update that basically adds more reason to play catch so much flack. Guess they can cut the new raid now that it has no function in the

Symmetra could always create teleporters, it was not added as part of her latest revamp.

Would it be more or less controversial to drop the idea of gender/sex roles entirely? Or would that only work by route of being comfortable with gender fluidity first? I feel like societally and politically, both options are independently the same amount of work, but dropping gender entirely also covers the benefits