This is just a command to do something, there doesn’t seem to be any reasoning as to why that’s a best practice. Some reasoning is implied, but carefully so that the words aren’t used in a way to make things transparently transactional.
This is just a command to do something, there doesn’t seem to be any reasoning as to why that’s a best practice. Some reasoning is implied, but carefully so that the words aren’t used in a way to make things transparently transactional.
Goodyear: “Your Honor, despite the fact that all the livestock have in fact left the barn, and you have already re-secured the barn door, we request that you personally call the outside, and request that the livestock not eat any grass until after we finish discussing who shaved them.”
Could always play using a rockband drum set or guitar, or heck, just bananas.
What percentage were able to complete it once given access to their normally available encyclopedia of all human existence? That unifying superpower that billions of humans have collectively worked toward in some capacity to allow the existence of, in order to allow any human with the relevant resources to download…
I don’t get it. I hate this guy, but he unfortunately seemed to handle that just fine. This seems like somebody was expecting a much worse reaction, and forgot to check before uploading the video.
Everyone ready for this? There’s going to be some blown minds, so maybe clear some room.
Maybe they’re not interested in Dota? This is investigative blogging, they post what they’re interested in. News that panders to the first thing that every other outlet posts about already exists. There’s no benefit in copy/pasting the format of other gaming news outlets.
Also, watch out for Moira. A Moira who doesn’t kill you is a bad Moira. ;)
These amazon folks, you gotta watch out! I saw one use a taxi as his own personal chauffeur!
Right? Back in the day, everybody just accepted everyone else’s opinion. These days, millenials call them “fightin’ words”, when somebody doesn’t recognize that they’re just ‘big boned’. Ha! What snowflakes come up with ‘fightin words’ and ‘big boned’! No wonder millenials came up with ‘sticks and stones may break my…
I bet they were mind blown, and pumped that their fat shaming predictions ended up correct. Probably posted all about how they called it, and ended up with more value from the lols then they would have from some cupcakes. That’s really too bad, we gotta find better ways to get revenge.
That’s dumber than CoD v. Battlefield, or Quake v. UT. These are two games that fulfill very different experiences while they happen to share a gamemode. That’s like comparing Minecraft and Ark. Both are fun, they fill different experiential niche’s, yet these two have the same gamemode of ‘sandbox survival’.
I buy the games I want to play. I dedicate about 80% of my game time to finishable games, and play endless games usually when my friends are all available.
You should create an exam for this topic, and for the ally topic. Then allow all us white people to pay you money for a license, signed by you, declaring credit and completion of the course.
In the same way your life is in the hands of the grain in the road when you decided not to turn the steering wheel because it has ‘power steering’.
“Assassin’s Creed games, like most Ubisoft mega-games,”
The loss of his child was a consequence, I just don’t think adding anything to that for the purpose of justice, rehabilitation, or deterring him has the effect we’re looking for.
Uh oh, I hope this doesn’t mean that they’re resistant to other new characters with unique mechanics. I’d really like to see some more unique playstyle options released fairly regularly.
Punishments are meant to be deterrents, and for rehabilitation. His punishment was losing his child. Do you think he needs further reinforcement to correct his behavior? Do you think there is anyone out there who is thinking “Eh, I could lock up my gun but since I’d just lose my child, and not also face some fine and…
I absolutely love the dice mechanics of the new Star Wars games. I really want to incorporate them into other systems. They determine more than just success/failure, they add nuance. Advantage/Disadvantage, and Triumph/Despair, give the GM so much opportunity to inject interesting results into otherwise…