
Very helpful! This will be very good to know, thank you!

Yep, you’re spot on as to what’s in the article! Any thoughts on my comment though?

Good to hear! That’s fine about 2nd players campaign. In effect, 1st players campaign IS 2nd player’s campaign as well. My friend and I aren’t worried about who’s name progress goes under, since we’d only play the game when we’re both available anyways. Works functionally the same way as Fable 3 did.

This is only really a problem if you intend to use drop in/drop out multiplayer, right? There’s no real concern for my friend and I if we plan to play the entire game start to finish as a standard coop game? Like, there’s no requirement for player 2 to complete enough of the campaign to stay playing with you?

Your story is inspirational! I decided to test the waters and passed out a few puns on paper slips around the office. Sadly, everyone demonstrated that they were quite tearable.

This reminds me of why I had to get out of the pun game. You get a lot of hate, and a lot of shame. I once entered 10 puns into a pun contest hoping one would win. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.

May they be non-lethally shot, and then jailed when they protest the policy.

All white strawberry blonds in red bikini’s throwing the peace sign who are actresses in high school movies, sharing 3 letters of their first name and last name respectively, and same number of syllables in their name look the same.

So a Pirate King came to be by driving loyalty from other pirates, and taxing their profits? Isn’t.....isn’t that...the literal expectation and definition of a Pirate King?

Good and bad don’t have to be treated as a teeter-totter, or give and take. Each can be measured for reward or consequence separately. You can incarcerate someone for robbery, while lauding them for curing disease. You can give someone $20 as a reward for going out of their way to return your wallet they found in the

I see on regarding the cartoons, you’re like the trusty tauntaun...

Uh, we can say R*ck S*ant*r*m in news? Isn’t that a little...unprofessionally vulgar. I mean, the occasional editorial swear is one thing, but vivid, frankly disturbing imagery conjured by that lewd phrase is a little much.

Suspension of disbelief is handled by the game, by offering excuses for game elements. For example, you maintain suspension of disbelief in becoming suddenly more powerful because they call it Experience. Functionally he’s asking: “What elements of the game were created to address suspension of disbelief insofar as

Can’t wait for the AI to get advanced enough to call me a f*gg*t all on their own! :P

Yeah, Saint Lazarus has pulled this trick before. He’ll be back after 4 days, probably under another Something Lazarus name, and likely starting a whole new thing now that his last project died. Might as well shed the latest identity to get a fresh start.

That’s good to hear! I’m hoping I’m just out of the loop, got any recommendations on Switch AAA new IPs? *crosses fingers*

I definitely intend to pick up Mario&Rabbids and Splatoon 2. I have no problem with Indies, I love a good indie, I’m 30 hours into a new favorite game: Dead Cells (Not on the switch, as far as I know.) My worry is the idea that Nostalgia is the current focus.

Those are the best selling because we need something to play while we wait for the NEW IPs and NEW AAA TITLES! Breath of the Wild and Odyssey were great fun, I need more of this style of change, not nostalgia, if not entirely new IPs.

While we’re putting together a wishlist, I’d like to toss in Ratchet and Clank.

Holy crap, you’re right. That’s mesmerizing now.