
A mental health exam should have prevented this 8 year old from purchasing a gun! This is why we need a good 8 year with a gun in every gaming room.

Oh, this is great! They could even make the kits modular, splitting out the components for mix and matching. You could organize them into various categories throughout the store. Stop by the vegetable/fruit section to grab your choice, go to the pasta section to pick your noodle, can/jar section to pick out your

If they knew where they were put, they wouldn’t be lost. :P

Crocodile tears implies some attempt at a clever ploy manipulating emotions with a fake display. I think you’re giving this inexcusable mud burp too much credit. I think it’s pretty clear he’s terrified now that it’s clear being White and Male isn’t enough to protect him from consequence, and is truly balling fully as

I think the clear answer is ‘Choppest Champ’

“He wants to sleep in the Batman bed. “You don’t even sleep in your own bed,” I reply.”

“I think he saw that there’s a certain absurdity in everything, like in trying to figure out the laws of the universe or silly Simpsons stories. I think he shared that absurdist sense of humor. Our show is sort of about trying to find meaning in a chaotic world—I think he related to that as well.”

AI calculation could process all that data from all those involved ships in such that it could simulate a virtual ship. It could even create a whole virtual scape that it plots these ships in, call it Exact Virtual Environment, or E.V.E. for short. Functionally they would fly a virtual ship around a virtual

But their cheesy fiesta potatoes are better! Why do these exist? Why not offer a cheesy fiesta potatoes bell grande!? *grumble grumble* *rabble rabble*

God I hate this guy. Who even is this dude? Why do I keep hearing about him? It’d be nice if everyone around him just kind of ignored him, and went about their normal business.

How about release without audio, leave it such that the audio files need only be dropped in. Others, not involved with the mod, will fill in the blanks.

Ataraxy Entelechy Enforcement

Why do the generals have to be in the middle of the fight? Why couldn’t they have systems correlating the data from each ship, giving them a universal view from many eyes, allowing them to command from safety? Seems not having that is a pretty arbitrary outside force kind of thing, considering we can do similar today.

Of course Microsoft is all on board. A person deciding which console to buy for multiplayer is far more likely to buy the console their friends are playing on, which statistically is Playstation. Cross Platform play takes that factor out.

Instructions unclear - trying to rob bank in gorilla suit with taser resulted in taking first point of Numbani.

Masahiro Sakurai provided an explanation for what the logo represents on Smash 64's website. Intended to be simple in design, Sakurai stated that the cross represents the crossover of the various Nintendo characters and properties, while the logo’s four sections reference the four-player aspect of the games.

I just looked into it, looks like there’s no issues with violent entertainment causing violent behavior. That was easy, I’m surprised nobody in the room could google something.

An exploration of a fragmented multi-verse, forced into being by the raw will of mankind over centuries of refined creation. A world of reflection mirroring the mind of legions, thousands of millions of milling bodies working as one almost incidentally creating a new pantheon, people, and near infinite world of a

This is the beginner circuit. Advanced circuit requires a roll for sanity for the uninitiated, I figured I’d spare them. That’s when we get into World of Darkness, Call of Cthulhu, Megaverse, Star Wars (And other proprietary roleplay systems), DESTINY, just to start.

What’s the matter? Not enough day drinking.