
This has been on my wishlist for years, just waiting for multiplayer.....

The way this is described makes me long for a Dark Cloud 3...

Seems a little unfair to enforce a lawn in New York, but I guess that’s the rub. Do they host a lawn for you for a fee? That’s how I’d run the scam.

That’s pretty kudos-able, but I’m kinda is his head still so big after getting skinny?

Cruise Control + would be a good name.

Lol, great question! Kind of? You aren’t in control over whether or not you’re charged at this store. If you manage to walk out in some way that causes you not to be charged, do you just need to pay up when found out, or have you actually committed a crime? Obviously it’s a different story if you break in, take from

I wonder if it’s illegal to attempt stealing from this store? How would they tell the difference between stealing and trying to purchase?

For finish-able games, the way I combat this are some simple rules. I maintain an ‘Unfinished Games’ list as a category in steam. I only play games on that list, with a few exceptions. I can replay a game if: I have no unfinished games, a sequel is coming out within a year, someone else who hasn’t seen it wants to

Sorry for the confufflement fellas! I got a bit o’ the wet on me boots as I warshed me clothes, so needed to dry em out a wee bit. Noticed I did that me scrub board always does dry the fastest it do. Propped it up the ridge there to catch them last BEAUTIFUL rays before they could wink goodnight. Hopefully one man’s

Can you imagine a situation where something un-fun is replaced by something fun, and not liking that? Remember, it’s now more fun for everyone involved including you, so your counter would need to include something along the lines of ‘We’re all having a lot more fun now, but I think that we need to have less fun

Maybe he could hire someone who is capable of reading a curse word without blanching. They could translate the document for him such that he could continue to do his job despite his disability.

2 Mean Girls 1 Cup

I like how 99.9% of the time, people have no problem with artificial gravity, but when it’s used to propel something down out of a ship, suddenly everyone freaks the hell out.

She deserves acid thrown in her face.

How did you get to proposal without going through cohabitation? Moving in together is the phase that this question is answered at. Either A- You moved in together allowing the dogs, thus addressing the question permanently, B- You don’t live together and should probably try that out before marriage, or C- You’re not

Yeah! And being a feminist isn’t a values! All words in a comparison must directly match for a comparison to be valid. That’d be like saying:

If you just play, participating in anything that seems fun, stuff will come to you. As you go, you may realize you have specific wishes, and may want to track some stuff down. Below are some recommendations.

Haha, nice! A good callback, well turned around. I can see you’ve clarified your stance, and are in fact not racist. Maybe a little aggressive :P , but no worries here dude. Have a good one!

Ouch, me too? Are you looking to attack anyone who is well meaning and trying to be benevolent and anti-racist? I was just unsure at what you were angry about, it’s totally cool dude, I can see there were a lot of people confused by what the OP meant. No worries mate! Hope you have a good day! (No sarcasm intended

Yes it is true that racists outlawed drugs based on untrue statements. To argue otherwise puts you in the same camp as racists, but your very confused reply implies you are not racist. All these people are saying that racists used racism to create racist laws, and that the person who said this was speaking truthfully.