Whoa, what’d he do? A man basically points out that it’s true some people used racism in their rationale, and points out that’s not a good thing, and now he’s garbage? Are you....are you....racist?
Whoa, what’d he do? A man basically points out that it’s true some people used racism in their rationale, and points out that’s not a good thing, and now he’s garbage? Are you....are you....racist?
I want Men to be able to say something on this, what should they say to be safe from virtue flagging? Maybe men have said enough things over time, and we should give the spotlight to women? Perhaps by focusing on mens failure to take the lead here, we’re just supporting the ancient prejudice that men need to take…
400 out of 500 sounds like an honest effort to me, but I’m not aware of the finer details of this process. It sounds like we’re judging 80% to be an F, is it really so easy to hit higher than that? I’m willing to take your word for it, don’t think I’m counter arguing, I’m just wanting to be sure I’m understanding…
Definitely embarrassing he didn’t have an appropriate response immediately for something he was allegedly supporting. Not having a response shows a lack of understanding of the gravitas.
That’s really too awful. I had already switched to primarily playing Moira, those 5 gold plays are just too good, but this definitely cements that choice.
Good point! Replace ‘genre’ with ‘game type’ in my original post. Thank you Ryan89_19.
When do we accept these traits as a genre and no longer as ripping off Battle Royale, Hunger Games, and PUBG? Not making the argument that it is a genre or not, I just expect that eventually it will just be considered a genre as this de-branding continues. I’m actually curious as to if games went through this…
Spend them all outside of any event, like at the end of our current winter event. The less normal stuff it can give you, the more likely you’ll get seasonal stuff while you play.
Huh, I wasn’t aware anyone actually bought smaller pizzas. Figured they were just there for show. Everyone I know has always bought the largest pizza, and saved the leftovers for eating later.
For sure! Like having multiple skins for a character in a video game, if only they could be applied as easily. I’d love more options like that. Scifi version, fantasy version, cthulhu mythos version. Betrayal at Jedi Temple, who will be the Dark Jedi/Bounty Hunter/Sith Operative/Assasin Droid/Force Ghost Possessed...
Functionally same game as Betrayal at House on the Hill:
Taking a couple minutes out of my day to think up how the world could work is fun, and bold world breaking inconsistencies hurt immersion. For those of us that understand how some of these things had canonically worked, for them to suddenly not make sense is distracting. Imagine if you picked up one of the Star Wars…
Holy crud, it’s amazing this kind of BS can still exist. It’s unbelievable that something like this can’t be resolved quickly once brought to light. Can the state do something, or can this only be resolved by the people of the town creating enough uproar?
Fantasy Necrons! :P
I’m confused, why don’t they fix those few things he pointed out, and then have it signed?
I would prefer he was lockstep with Democrats, but shouldn’t he ideally side with what his people want regardless of his personal politics? I thought that was the idea.
That was my thinking at first too, but that opens the door to just strapping asteroids with hyperdrives. If that can be done, then the empire wouldn’t need a deathstar, they’d just drop super sped world killer asteroids wherever/whenever. Since nobody does that, there must be a reason why. The only reason I can think…
Raritanium! The Ratchet and Clank metal. You see, Avatar, Ratchet and Clank gets away with a doofy pun name because it’s a silly cartoon game.
The execution seemed to represent the zeitgeist at the moment, re Harvey Weinstein. The inappropriate action quickly met with complete annihilation. It was cool of them to support that for an hour. I’m surprised they decided it might be insensitive to sexual harassers, and removed it. Are we really that concerned…
Hmm, I’ll have to more specifically test it out. It seemed to me that it only worked while the crosshair was within the frame of the character, and stopped working once the crosshair was off the target. I’ll load up the training range to test it tonight.