Hopefully some solution gets cannonized, but as a fan, I try to take it upon myself to temporarily fannonize a solution to maintain suspension of disbelief.
Hopefully some solution gets cannonized, but as a fan, I try to take it upon myself to temporarily fannonize a solution to maintain suspension of disbelief.
I’m not terribly familiar with Woody Allen, and have no problem with ruining the lives of, excommunicating, or even executing sexual abusers as society sees fit. Does pretending their accomplishments don’t exist help? If Martin Luther King JR had murdered someone, would we stop saying he was an incredible orator?…
What’s the point of having multiple accounts in the top 500? I get that some people desperately need the validation of winning against lower ranked players, and will have multiple accounts so that they can get their pride fix. It’s understandable, if pathetic.
I LOVE Moira, easily my favorite! Just to be clarify, her laser doesn’t lock onto enemies any more than Soldier 76's gun does. The difference is the lack of reload, which means you don’t need to worry about WHEN to hit shoot button. Lock on implies Symmetra style shooting. Imagine if 76 didn’t have to reload, you’d…
Why can’t people these days snort Pixie Stix, like normal folks?
I definitely agree! It won’t resolve those people you bring up, which may well be the majority, but it’s an easy enough change that the value it does still have is worth it. That value being the few fifth category of people who realize their outrage was unjustified this time.
Not necessarily, release date and content origin aren’t necessarily related.
So....why not restrict reporting until after the game? This way, players who are good enough to merit their one trick can keep prove themselves. Those who cost the game at the end can then be reported. Seems too obvious an answer, what am I missing?
Your conclusion is not exactly wrong, but the metaphor isn’t quite right. It’s more like, you tell everyone that you’re going to attempt to steal bases every chance you get. It’s a legal option but, if you fail you cost the team.
Instructions unclear - Went to Build-A-Bowser workshop, Mario was the only Bowser, Bowser was a bear. Left with Yoshi dressed as Luigi.
But...but....why are only some of them bears!?
So......................................are the boxers up for grabs?
Remember Volcano?
Excellent points, I definitely agree with your full argument. I have one counterpoint that I am having trouble wrestling with.
That’s where reviewers come from, the future. Otherwise, how would they inform us of stuff before it comes out? It’s the only legal application of time travel tech, when it’s created in year 3652.
A lot of energy is wasted in conversations about calories, because often the arguers are arguing two different points.
Wonder if this will allow for multiplayer in Demon’s Souls at some point after their servers are shut down.
I definitely agree with you Michael Harriot. I think they are selling their silence for functionally nothing, and should instead persevere. The only reason I say the following is because I think something in your argument distracts and allows somebody who wants to disagree to focus on the wrong thing.
If price is based off demand, and nobody wants them, and there’s a ton of this stuff, why is it still expensive? Why not sell it for what it’s worth now, instead of what it used to be worth? People will buy it because they can use it in casual situations now that they’re not concerned that wrecking it will cost them…
I think they just need to replace his gun with a regular punch, give it a three hit combo and a short tracking/pulling effect. You blow through his three abilities real quick, and then he....pew pews. It’s just so.......meh. I was really excited for another true melee character, like Reinhardt, and lost all interest…