The holes are part of the design because the holes are part of the design. Guess that clears everything up. Did he mean that they’re part of the design for aesthetic purposes?
The holes are part of the design because the holes are part of the design. Guess that clears everything up. Did he mean that they’re part of the design for aesthetic purposes?
You’re absolutely right, thank you!
Good point, I somehow completely missed the tail of your last comment, your parenthesis acting as some sort of cloaking field. :P
Casual calendar seasons, the back of the napkin version of seasons: Dec, Jan, Feb is winter, March, April, May is Spring, Jun, July, Aug is Summer, Sept, Oct, Nov is Fall.
That’s annoying, one would hope that they at least define what that season pass means insofar as to what DLC comes with it. I remember Dark Souls did that, stating what DLCs would be coming with it, iirc.
Season Passes usually just cover a season’s worth of DLC. Did they not say what it covered?
Huh, well we’re back to ‘aw yeah’! You guys are working together to yank me around, aren’t you? :P
Ah, shucks. Oh well, such is life.
I played Mercy pretty heavily during the beta, and love healers in general. At some point, I discovered that there was no carry potential as Mercy, and had to switch off to DPS in order to make up for teammates. >10,000 damage reduction due to healing doesn’t do as much for the team as Gold kills apparently.
Hard to say, it may have released as it did, but then microtransactions and DLC could have added:
If you gamble at a slot machine, it’s possible to walk away with nothing. If you purchase a selection of random goods, you walk away with exactly what you decided to purchase. A typically set number of random things. There’s no chance for ‘losing’ the money spent, so there’s no ‘wager’.
What was Terry Crews wearing? Why didn’t his wife protect him? Maybe he shouldn’t be going to parties if his wife won’t stand up for him, or maybe it’s time to find a better bigger woman! pass the Roxane Gay test, the central female character has to change part way through to a woman of color, transgender, or queer?
This was beautiful.
Just as bad, but just for clarity, she wasn’t saying he wasn’t intelligent enough, as in incapable of understanding. She said he wasn’t informed enough, meaning he doesn’t currently have available to him all of the facts to have an ‘informed opinion’.
Not commenting on the reasonableness either way, just seeking to clarify a perspective. I don’t think they’re worried about their actual actions being considered sexual harassment, I think they’re worried about falsehoods. They’re worried that they have no way to protect themselves if a woman claims sexual harassment…
I’m down with helping however I can, under any label, using whichever specific words are needed. So, please don’t consider this an attack on any tactic or idea, just a perceived inconsistency.
Its version is a bit more like actually being offline. I want to invite people to games, message them, and otherwise interact as though I were online, with broadcasting what I’m doing.
Church of the Sociopaths with a well regulated sense of risk vs. reward. Being helpful is often times worth more over time, so being helpful is most often the path taken. Making enemies is counter productive.
Thank the Divines they added ‘Appear Offline’, now if Steam would....