The slack app allows for multiple slack accounts. For those wanting to get around DM monitoring, set up a 2nd account and sign into from the same app. Switch between as needed.
The slack app allows for multiple slack accounts. For those wanting to get around DM monitoring, set up a 2nd account and sign into from the same app. Switch between as needed.
Oh no! Better run to Taco Time, maybe we can get some orders down before someone lets us know it’s not genuine high quality mexican food. Using this method, we can chain through fast food restaurants faster than the general knowledge can reach us!
Right!? The accomplishment to enjoyment ratio seems totally wrong, and completely in the games favor.
I would spend a full $60 on this again if the PC version had multiplayer Galactic Conquest and Coop Campaign, like the console version had. Galactic Conquest could be played versus, or coop against AI, it gave context to what would otherwise be random quick matches.
I found how good this game to be suspect. I love every bit of this game, but there’s technically only like 4 main things to do. Pick up Koroks, complete trials, defeat divine beasts, defeat Ganon. Where’s the 10 different meaningless collectible mcguffins? Where’s the treasure chest and key system that drops weapons,…
But why though? Like, actually why though? I’m so confused.
It’s always struck me as particularly humorous when people complained about other’s skill level. They never seem to realize that, due to matchmaking matching people OF THE SAME SKILL, that ANY complaints about another’s ability DIRECTLY applies to their self.
For that last point, I wonder if it’s more an issue of familiarity rather than limitation.
Hey Jason, thank you for comments on this. While I would love a transcript to read when I should otherwise be working, I know it wouldn’t be fair to expect you to spend such a considerable amount of time on something like that.
Japanese accounts apparently can change their display name. I can’t find any explanation as to why we can’t use this system elsewhere.
This seems less like a neat lifehack, and more like the baseline logic when determining anything time based, that people would be looking for a lifehack to avoid.
But why though? These kind of dumb tales are told about every celebrity. How do you fight them? It’s like being accused of being a witch, how do you defend yourself?
Can we get this expanded to the Best 10 Guns? I didn’t bother reading this because there might have been a chance that my favorite gun didn’t make it on here, but it’s gotta make the top ten. It’s the MIDA Multi-Tool, perhaps consider it for addition?
Having a child seems like a neat curiosity here and there, seeing them learn things, and they can be helpful with chores and such. I’ve yet to see where this value outweighs the time and money investment? Why not rent children of the appropriate age for the neat experiences here and there from the foster system, and…
White privilege in action to assume the position of while.
Shouldn’t converting Hitler to Skyler be a win? Would it be more efficient to convert all the fascists down to virtue signaling allies, even go so far as to make that position really rewarded and celebrated to incentivize others to join the bandwagon? Then once that becomes the majority problem, we could rally to…
When white males are presented with pro-woman’s rights feminism, they balk and claim it’s anti-male. I’m sure it’s some small comfort to them that black males react the same way despite experiencing a form of that same discrimination.
Wouldn’t the solution, to games not being professionally re-reviewed over time due to changes to the game, be allowing the players of said game to submit some positive or negative opinions that can reflect the current state of the game?
So...just spitballing here, but shouldn’t the title to this article be “Let me tell you about Homestuck?”.
It’s possible I might just be an idiot, but when I click that link, the price I’m seeing is $1099.
It’s possible I might just be an idiot, but when I click that link, the price I’m seeing is $1099.