
I was WAY too excited when I read the title to this article. My girlfriend and I both really enjoy the gameplay of building up a location/structure/town/city/etc, but they are NEVER coop.

An absolutely great point! I apologize for mistaking your meaning, you’re both definitely right that an objective timestamp is far more valuable then a self assigned one.

From the article:

I’m surprised that with their release schedule of every 18 months that this still holds such awe, but it definitely pulled it off again! Probably due to how difficult it is to obtain versions from outside your region, most people likely only have experienced their local copies.

This seems to be like saying a white guy is racist because they stole from their best friend who happened to be black. An awful thing to do, absolutely, but not necessarily related to the accusation.

This was funny. Thank you.

My personal rules are to ask something along the lines of, “There are some things that are missable, would you like some spoiler free as possible advice?”

I’m confused as to why the audience is the one being punished for the developer’s failure. They made the embarrassing accident of taking resources from their primary flagship series to make a Warframe knockoff, and rather than rectify that over time, they say ‘eh, screw it’.

Black & White

“skeptics saying surely he had to be aware of the evils and reality of Naziism all along”

Birth and name a child for each competitor you defeat. Raise the child to live the same style as the person defeated. Serve the competitor cease and desist papers stating that you own them now and have given their identity to a superior version of themselves, and that they must change their name and style.

Didn’t work, all it did was give me 3 ranks of prestige and top of the leaderboard in a suddenly presented Call of Duty window. I guess I can celebrate my new leet status now, but wasn’t what I was going for.

Huh, I didn’t realize they used a completely new engine. Found my answer for no coop, guess it should have been obvious. It’s always easy to assume that it would have just been a quick add-in.

How do I turn on Coop? I’ve got everything on the checklist except presumably the last step:

I won’t comment on whether this was honorable or not, but I wouldn’t say that ‘following the rules’ (or orders...) and ‘being honorable’ are the same thing.

Thank you, good to know! I don’t know if it’s a difference in the people playing different genres, or if it’s the difference between tournament/non-tournament play, but it seems the FPS crowd would definitely complain.

Is there any controversy over this? I was surprised to not see anything about complaints, and if the event organizers commented on the question of exploit legality.

This game is obviously the answer to “What if we put Overwatch in Saint’s Row?” I’m imagining that question on the whiteboard as they’re brainstorming the game. I wonder how dumbfounded everyone was when Chud, son of a primary stockholder said, ‘Singleplayer’. Everyone probably looked around, all the energy was

Just to be clear, the illegal part was the software piracy, right? You’d think with that amount of money, they could afford licenses to use those games...

Leave those Cucumbers alone! They may have previously been zucchini, but they now prefer to be called Cucumber. They’re brave and don’t deserve this negative attention.