
Good point!

I always figured ‘the darkness’ was more political then something specific. Basically, anything that opposed the Traveler or those it grants power to, was ‘serving the darkness’.

I’m still weighing my thoughts on this, but your point brings up an interesting question. Robots with sapient minds are effectively creatures with organs made of a different ordering of the atoms that make up your fleshier organs. If you made a human child, enslaved it, and it eventually rose up against you, would

I think he’s guilty.

Makes sense! Thank you for the clarification, but unfortunately I think that just opens up more questions. What causes the thicker blood? Just the stress of feeling guilty? Would this mean sociopaths would not be affected by this?

“all the money in the world can’t compensate the loss of time.”

Are guilty people more likely to survive being held upside down, or is it really something just inherent to innocent people? Do they have to feel guilty, or is it based off objective fact? Maybe it’s based off whether or not a future court of law finds them guilty? Is it a factor of gravity, a god, or some other force?

I just realized that the new name is basically in the same format as a 13 year old’s gamertag:

X Box One X

This is very bittersweet. On one hand, the game looks pretty fun, another take on Warframe. I’ll probably play it to some degree.

Thank you!

Some dad’s just won’t take no for an answer.

I’m not sure how this helps if every person is lowered by 200 points. Doesn’t that effectively just lower the maximum amount?

Now that you’ve written this great article, would it be appropriate to blame you for Andromeda’s problems and consequently send you death threats? I just want to make sure we all fulfill the expected social contract.

And risk putting journalist’s live on the line? I think lives are worth more than polish!

I thoroughly enjoyed the world of the first fable, the age of heroes. Their attempts in the sequels to move forward in time, and bring down magic, alienated me.

Based off that picture of the smoking space, it looks like it could use an airlock. The thick fog that must roll out of that room every time it opens...

You had to post a picture of Parasite Eve, one of my favorite classic games. Now I have to go play it!

Now I want to see the modder (monster?) give Kirby the feet of whomever he just ate.

I originally read the title as “Monster Adds Kirby with Human Feet”. I’ve decided to stand by that error.

It’s fond memories brings comfort.