
Let’s not pretend as though mainstream media doesn’t propagate fake news as well. Hell, despite being debunked by every credible economist on earth, many people still believe in a gender wage gap thanks to the msm.

Keep marginalizing, it’s working so well.

Alpha Protocol will always be one of my favorite games. It has so many flaws, but the way it managed to weave together so many different branching paths, and the unique niche it fills as a modern-day RPG keep it dear to my heart. Also Steven Heck.

Alpha Protocol was such an underrated game.

I absolutely love this. You folks asked for it, now you’re receiving it. The assumption that every cop is a bad cop is what got you here. Its wrong for someone to assume “everyone in X group is bad” but then you go and do exactly that to law enforcement.

Garbage in, garbage out. Good police officers and departments are good because they have a good working relationship with the community they serve, including trust, communication, and accountability- it’s not about the technology they use. Giving powerful tools (or weapons, rather) to police officers and departments

1st world problems eh

H20Delirious’s “army,” as he calls them, defends his right to play by the game’s unspoken rules wherever he wanted.

“...and all republicans, and pretty much all of flyover country is just as anti-science as they are racist...”

Yeah, most left-wing journalism/”news” sites censor comments that oppose them and then complains that trump censors them. Ironic, isn’t it?

BREAKING: Democrats are more pessimistic about Republican led administration than Republicans.


You’ll get a lot of hate for preaching the truth here, kotaku is a liberal hellhole. I try and reason with them but they usually call me a name without any kind of argument as to why. Good luck to you.

You proved my point exactly. You don’t even know me and you called me a racist and a bigot. The other response to my post called me names too. Why don’t liberals ever want to actually discuss anything like adults? It always defaults to ‘you’re racist, you’re stupid, we’re smarter and better.’ Umm...okay.

Yeah, because calling people names makes you sound so much smarter.

One of the problems with today overly PC society is that everyone gets ‘outraged, offended, insulted’ by off-color or ‘edgy’ humor. It used to be you would roll your eyes or brush off a stupid joke even if you were offended but now it turns into a crusade to destroy the offender. Send them to the PC reeducation camp.

The Japanese are not pervs., they just don’t hide it

There were literally four comments when you posted this. Why the preemptive defensiveness?

Only those in your out-of-touch little activist progressive echo chamber are interested in your goal-post moving. It’s pure, unadulterated common sense that if you raise your child ‘imposing’ gender norms contrary to what society has constructed at that time as such, especially for a male where there are less elastic

Right, it’s a social construct, and right now some things are considered more masculine and others more feminine. Just because it’s a social construct doesn’t mean it doesn’t have value according to its purpose, and doesn’t suddenly mean we should throw norms out the window. If/when you try, you shouldn’t be surprised