
I guess it’s easier to just call opposing voices trolls and silence them than have to debate and risk having your own flaws revealed, eh?

Well, they already announced how some of the “RNG” works. It’s not TRUE RNG. Each card has a (depending on the card) higher or lower chance of being drawn than others. Once I found out I quit because it’s not truly fair.

Good luck. I tried playing the first one again last month but I didn’t know that auto save was practically non-existent in it and when I died a couple hours in on the frozen planet I lost a good 2 hours of work so I quit.

Dumbass, it’s the democrats who keep falling for fake news. See, for republicans to “fall for” fake news, the news would have to pander to them, and as I’m sure you can see, the news is heavily heavily pro-democrat.

Alpha protocol is the only game I can think of that was released a broken mess and that somehow made the game BETTER.

Yup. It’s funny they say it’s to “raise awareness of women inequality in the US” but can’t name a single inequality they face.

Yeah, most left-wing journalism/”news” sites censor comments that oppose them and then complains that trump censors them. Ironic, isn’t it?

What counts as a “troll”? Someone who disagrees with what was said? Someone who posts an opposing voice? Someone who posts facts and statistics? Well?

You could replace Muslim with right winger and say the exact same thing.

You don’t get to preach about empathy when you’re the ones committing violence.

You literally just committed the ad hominem that you claimed to be against.

>claims to laugh at those who are hostile

You’ll get a lot of hate for preaching the truth here, kotaku is a liberal hellhole. I try and reason with them but they usually call me a name without any kind of argument as to why. Good luck to you.

“Gender is entirely different than a person’s sex”

Who’s didn’t love to play with girl toys as a kid? I loved the easy bake oven and playing house with my sisters dolls. Then I got to about 5 or 6 years old and realized I wasn’t a kid anymore and realized video games and action figures were more awesome because of hormones that guys get that make violence seem awesome

Liberal is a synonym for toddler.

(((They))) want us to be distracted by fighting with each other so we don’t catch on to what (((they))) are doing.

Translation: “I lost the argument so I’m just gonna call you a troll and leave”