
This so much.

I dont think it feels like battlefield, but it doesnt really feel like battlefront either

I’m with you. The graphics are stellar. It really looks like Star Wars...

Feels nothing like battlefield to me, hell the old battlefronts felt more like battlefield.

It needs to be balanced better. The Empire has an AtAt walking in the middle, plus AtSt walking about. The rebels don’t have any land vehicles. The X wing icons spawn near where the empire troops spawn. It needs work. My friends joke around that they made it a bit too loyal to the movie, the empire does destroys the

It was fun for about 1 hour...they nailed the star wars visuals and sounds, but that’s it...

Soooo he bought Franklin’s house from GTAV?

“Work to live” rather than “live to work” is something a lot of business don’t quite understand. And it’s largely an American thing when you look at the benefits, vacation time, and union strength of other modern nations, especially those in the euro-zone.

“I want to surround myself with honest, open people whom I can trust,” she said. “I’ve heard so many people say, ‘well, this is just the way publishers are” and “this is just what the games industry is like.’

When is the last game of thrones!!!

So the book didn’t refer to the slaves as “immigrant workers”. But the sentence DID refer to it as the “Atlantic slave trade”. Am I the only one missing what I should be outraged about? The only outrageous thing I’m seeing here is yet another completely misleading headline from Jezebel.

Tell us your professional analysis, then

My bad. I think I was thinking of Witcher 2. Thought I heard it somewhere. Still, 80 million? For what they did with it compared to the budget of other games is mind blowing.

5 nights at Faheys

Jerma is easily one of the most underrated YouTubers out there. Genuinely funny down to Earth dude. I was in tears at the conga line.

Not sure if satire, or just dumb.

this satire is next-level great and i love you for brightening my day

oh yeah i forgot

That would be sexist dont you know!

‘The Patriarchy’

So it’s Fiction then?