

Literally not even an argument, you’re just performing a tu quoque fallacy.

You got the first half of that statement right since OF COURSE something that doesn’t cater to me isn’t important to me. But nah son, I don’t care whether it exists or not, just because I don’t think it’s important doesn’t mean I think it shouldn’t exist

I agree with your post 100%

Who’s catering to me? If it’s other white people, so what? If it’s non-whites then how is them catering to me MY fault?

Yeah I stopped reading after “representation matters”. Not everything requires one of every sex, race, sexuality ect.

Are you saying gays can’t play games unless theres a gay character? That’s retarded.

Wtf does a characters sexuality have to do with an FPS?

Did you not read what I wrote? You seem to conveniently have missed the section I talked about the kind of cowboy we were talking about. I never said black people weren’t in the west?

Good goy.

There was no such thing, or at least in the type of “cowboy” you are talking about. About 20% of all “Cowboys”were ranchers and cattle herders, not a cowboy like John marston.

After beating MD I felt so hollow because the experience was so lackluster compared to HR so I replayed HR after and couldn't believe how much better HR is.

Me either! I'm the only person in my state who likes dragon quest, though I've PLAYED all of them, I only ever finished 7-10. 8 being my favorite of course. Can't wait for the ps4 version of 11!

>you called me a name so even though you are correct, I win the debate

Isn't the whole point of a GOTY edition to already have all the patches in it?

He’s not bigoted as that term is subjective. Anyone with conflicted beliefs can call each other a Bigot.

Hint: A simple tactic that worked in the first game works in this game too. Hoard as many Biocells as you can, and fully upgrade the Glass Cloak tree. Then, about half way through the game you can literally bypass everything and finish much much faster. Helps a lot during the raining part where martial law is in

Honestly I would be happy if kotaku went with it. Yes, I like some of their articles and the style of the site but it’s become too cancerous both in its Writers, Articles and most importantly it’s readers/commenters, but I need it to go so I can stop coming here. I’m sick of their political bias and politics creeping

I’m not sure if you’re trolling or not by throwing around buzzwords that have no meaning, but I’m going to assume you are because nobody can be this retarded. He is LITERALLY none of those things.

Not sure what you're trying to prove. It says in there it's confirmed that he donated money to a church that was helping flood victims.