Right. And please explain how him showing up to help would “divert resources”?
Right. And please explain how him showing up to help would “divert resources”?
Hahahahaha funny how when Obama “wants” to come he’s doing the “right thing” by not coming but trump is “only there for a photo shoot" hahaha and not revealing tax returns has nothing to do with anything haha haha are you even TRYING to hide the shilling anymore?
1) Obama doesn’t “own” the DOHS
Kotaku has been making non-political things political since 2009, what are you talking about?
At least trump is there donating and handing out supplies while Obama golfs and Hillary tweets about “watching" them.
I liked the first one, I really did, but it’s one the few games that I liked but couldn’t play for more than maybe 10 hours before the game became too much of a chore to play. (Witches 3 is #1)
I’m so happy you wrote an article on this game. I’ve been playing non stop for 2 days as it’s the most beautiful game I’ve ever played. Their attention to detail is absurd, in a marvelous way. You can tell they took the time to hand craft just about every single spot outside and in interiors. I’ve never seen a game…
New Vegas was TOO good which is why Bethesda will never let Obsidian make another game again lmao
Indeed I have. But I was more referring to the fact that Kotaku is becoming less of a professional gaming journalism site and more of a political blog with the occasional gaming-related post. I want to read about video games, not read a listicle about whatever politics happen that week
Except that *would* be a bad thing. In fact, probably the last straw I have with kotaku tbh fam
Only seeing it for IP man
I highly doubt you have basic reading comprehension. I’ve been playing for a week where the most a ship would cost was 300k (currently have ship with 26 slots) and an armor upgrade was only 50k(I have 30+ slots) and atlas stones sold for 300k not 90k. Yes, I've done everything even to the point I found all upgrades…
Actually no, once you’ve visited one planet you’ve visited them all. They all have the exact same layout and design just with a pallet swap. You’ll always find all resources on all planets and know exactly where to find them. And I've upgraded everything to just about max.
So besides getting to the center, is there actually anything to *do* because I've been playing for a week now and the only goal is to collect resources for warp fuel and get to the center. I'm getting a little bored doing it.
Congrats on outing your racism and hatred toward white people by literally saying him being white is a problem. Racist.
Hahaha this guy. Would you be complaining if the lead was black or Hispanic and fell into the Hispanic or black savior trope? No? Then congrats on being a white hating racist.
Anyone can make any movie they want to it's all fake who cares if there's a white man in China or a black man in medieval Europe or whatever it's all just a movie are you serious?
I've been playing for the last week and I'm still 30k light years away but at this point I don't want to sit through 30 warp loading screens. It's just not fun
How do you deal with the repetitiveness in the late game? I’ve got max suit upgrade with the warp drive so I can jump way far and 30 Warp Fuels from mining for hours with 3mil from selling Atlas Stones and the last couple hours I've just been warping. Pretty repetitive IMO