By that logic if a woman wears a skimpy outfit she is creating a disturbance.
By that logic if a woman wears a skimpy outfit she is creating a disturbance.
Hey Kotaku, I’ve been playing for a few days now and found a way to unlock all the words for every race slowly but faster than searching for monuments
I hope you're trolling because there's no way in hell that *anyone* could be *THIS* retarded
Then maybe they shouldn’t be trespassing? Start up in game even says now “Don’t trespass while playing”
What an idiot. Getting drunk, flirting with every player, sleeping with half of them and then regretting it isn't rape.
I really enjoyed the first episode of the new kings quest but the 2nd episode was so bad I can't bring myself to pay for the other episodes. I think the game is in limbo anyway.
Except with only a 50% gain from selling it even the best of the best only make a few hundred dollars a month at best. It takes about a month in itself to set it all up and that's if it's full time. This is just a gimmick to make DND more money. Kind of like paid mods.
Wtf, it was already like watching a tv series...
Look fellas, someone who hates trump because CNN and Gawker told them too.
Oh god, you really have people commenting on American politics who aren’t American? Man, you are screwed.
If trump is magicarp then Hillary and Bernie are Jesse and James. Two crooks who are usless
“Heh. No I’m not gonna insult you heh no way that would mean you’re right, so because you predicted I was gonna insult you it’s obvious your not mature enough for a conversation heheh no way ok bye”
There literally isn’t a single law that “oppresses” or disadvantages women or a single right that women don’t have; if anything white men are disadvantaged due to Affirmative Action which benefit women and non-whites.
they don’t want equality they want supremacy
Uhh, feminists will try to get you fired for disagreeing with them so yeah you do
How the hell is he 21 already I've been playing nonstop and I'm Only 9
I guess fat people need someone to cosplay as without looking ridiculous lol
Even at 2am it’s hard to log in. When I can log in, I hardly get a gps signal. When I do get a signal, it’s usually way off or stops working after a minute. When I do manage to play longer than a minute the freezing issues from catching Pokemon get me.
Just so you know, the silloetted Pokemon isn’t a Pokemon you necessarily caught, if you’ve seen the pokemon it becomes unsilloetted. It makes it confusing if you caught a bunch and some escaped (like most of the good ones)
This! It was one of my favorite games that year! Sooooo good it didn't even need it!